plateau HELP!



  • Culley34
    This does not sound correct.

    There's a couple of theories here:

    (1) I've heard some people say, if you're trying to burn body fat, to workout as soon as you wake up and at least 1/2 hour so that your burn through all the adenosine triphosphate in your cells. This, in turn, forces your body to expend energy stored in your system, versus using the available calories provided by food in your stomach.
    (2) Calories In < Calories Out - It's a simple numbers game. As long as you take in less than you burn, you will lose weight.

    Not that either answer is incorrect, but I think the optimal method lies somewhere in between. I like to workout on a fairly empty stomach when I get home from work, shower, and then eat dinner. With that said - I don't really eat any carbs at dinner time for this reason-- if you don't burn them, they turn to fat. So, I try to focus on proteins (skinless, boneless chicken breast) and veggies (peas, carrots, green beans) at dinner. They're both low (in calories) and higher in nutrients.
    One thing I have learned from my trainer is to eat a 1/2 to 1 hour from getting up in the morning. If you don't your body is already in starvation mode and anything you do all day is basically a waste. If you aren't doing that you might want to try that.
  • spikefoot
    I've been bouncing between 180.5 and 181.5 lbs for the past week. I really, REALLY want to be in the 170s! Does anyone have any suggestions that would help me get to my goal?
    I stick to the 1200 cal diet and I am exercising at least 20 min of circuit training every day (Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred). Drinking my water, etc. I believe my food journal is open for all to see. I am currently trying to lose a total of 40 lbs.

    a 1.5 lbs fluctuation is nothing to worry about at all.

    Suggestions: stick to it, be patient, it may even take you months.

    I would complete the 30 day shred or just move on to something 5-6 days a week at min. 45 minutes of moderate to high intensity.

    If you find you are too tired up your calories to fuel yourself better.

    I would just do that and not worry about the time of the day etc for optimum burn. There is enough to track already and it is all a bunch of controversy anyhow.

    I just broke a 2-3 month plateau by adding in more cardio and eating pretty much the same.