Not New but need support

I have been on MFP since Jan 2012. I have lost weight then gained again and feel like I am on a roller coaster. I enjoy being accountable and I feel that people here can help. I have very few friends on here and would like that to change. I love to encourage others and help when ever I can and hope I can find a few friends on MFP willing to do the same.


  • alie001
    alie001 Posts: 59 Member
    You and I sound alike. My roller coaster is due to boredom. I am committed to MFP now though because I am sick of the jello jiggle. Add me if you like.
  • mandlteam
    I did MFP before with no friends...and I eventually got bored of logging my calories. This time I am taking full advantage of finding inspirational friends and feeding off of their comments and support. I feel this time it will be different, I am on my second week now, feel free to friend me. :)
  • KLPlatinum
    I have found that having friends on MFP has helped me, just having someone say good job when I do my exercise or finish under my calorie goals. I am into my 4th week now and I am still loving this and seeing results. Feel free to friend me!
  • MzColey
    Im new to MFP, but I know how it goes we all have the rollercoaster, but WE can do this...dedication and help...add me ....
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member

    I joined MFP in mid-August. Although I could have just used the trackers, I enjoy being supportive of others, but I also have the tendency to "mother hen" when necessary. My diary is open to all MFP peoples. Some days I cut myself slack but I always post "what's up with me" as to why I'm not tracking.

    I'm with Alie, I'm tired of the 'jello jiggle' but had to laugh at the nails it perfectly ~lame chuckle~.

    Anyone can friend-request me, but please include where you "know me" from as I'm a bit on the leery side if profiles aren't completed :wink:

    Red, I'll be sending a friend request :smile:

  • joanmoon4
    I saw a woman at church who is a member of MFP and she showed me her picture from six months about a transformation. Her skin is beautiful. So...I decided to try and start AGAIN today~ Let's all just get through today and see how we feel tomorrow. Right now there are chocolate chip cookies in the freezer. My goal is to not open that door~
  • softball93
    Hi everyone, I just started today.
    Back to college, made a drastic change quitting my softball team due to personal reasons, but I would really like to get fit. I an hoping that this site will help me stay motivated. What motivates you?
  • vblair77
    vblair77 Posts: 180 Member
    :smile: hey there! I'm ALSO looking for support! I think its something we are all looking for. I'm going to add you! :smile:
  • thistime38
    You sound alot like me as well. I am not new but definitely need all of the support i can get. I am looking for someone i can email and text as well and vice versa. I want to make a renewed committment to this and finding it hard to do alone. Add me if you like :)