harsh, tough, honest?? Be my friend



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Do you really think that being as thin as you can be will make your son proud of you, or set a proper example for him? What would you do if he came home one day and said he hated his body and wanted to get as thin as possible to impress a girl/coach/you?

    The above poster speaks the truth. You really don't want to teach your kids to obsess over a number on a scale. Not good for anyone. Maybe instead of wanting to "be thin" (which is an immeasurable goal; what exactly is thin? Your skeleton and genetic makeup are outside of your control. So you may not ever be able to reach the "thin" as you want it.), you try to find something else that is more tangible and measurable to aspire to. Just a suggestion.
    Yeah, most of us here want to lose weight, but the weight loss is part of becoming stronger, healthier, faster,... whatever.
    Me, I want to be stronger, and faster. All part of being healthier than I have been. It does work.

    With that being said, get off of your lazy *kitten* and do something.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Do you really think that being as thin as you can be will make your son proud of you, or set a proper example for him? What would you do if he came home one day and said he hated his body and wanted to get as thin as possible to impress a girl/coach/you?

    ^^ This.
  • donna_do_good
    Do you really think that being as thin as you can be will make your son proud of you, or set a proper example for him? What would you do if he came home one day and said he hated his body and wanted to get as thin as possible to impress a girl/coach/you?

    When I say to be as thin as I can be obviously within the healthy range as you can see from my goal weights. I don't discuss things like this infront of my son and lets be honest he'd rather have a fit looking healthy mum than any other type & he will be proud of me. My son is a healthy active boy and if hes older and wants to lose weight I will help him but I will not encourage my preferred body type onto him and he will be brought up to have his own mind
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Been there done that. Unless you are motivated to change, a friend can't help you!!!

    Look yourself in the mirror and ask how bad do you want it!!!

    At the moment not very much!!!!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I have some lovely people on my friends list, really good descent people who mean the best for me and try to make me feel better when I slip up.....but what I really want/need is a total honest harsh critic, someone who will call me lazy, someone who will tell me how it really is. I guys I need a total bugger (to avoid the swearing).

    If you think you fit the bill please add me.


    Yep....I can do brutal :wink: ...FR sent :smile:
  • donna_do_good
    Thanks everyone. I've changed my profile a little as I don't want people taking it the wrong way