Safety in numbers!

New to MFP, unfortunately not new to needing to lose weight. I've been overweight all my adult life. ( Im 32) Lost a lot of my weight in 2005, only to gain most of it back. I work better as part of a group or program.I need you guys if I'm going to be successful with mfp. I have tried various pages, groups, and tools, but eventually let myself fade away to the background. In the end, I know it's up to me to make this happen, but there's always more safety in numbers. : ) Feel free to add me or send me a message anytime! Good luck to everyone here, trying to make their selves healthier.


  • jiva57
    jiva57 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree! Friend request coming...
  • Paw4awhile
    Hi Sandi

    My problem is believing what I see on the scales & am told by other people. If I don't feel I have lost the weight, then I find it hard to believe it. I just tend to think that people are trying to be nice to me. I have had to cope with negative commits & put downs most of my life, it is only really since my Daughter & Wheelie_UK that I have had positive commits. So that is why I find it hard to take the good commits.

    I do fight for life & try to live life to its fullest.

    Giving support to others I can do.

  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for the replies! and the friend requests. :) Anne, don't be to hard on yourself. Keep up the fight. :)
  • amycb03
    amycb03 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm right there with you! Sending you a friend request....we can do this!
  • kelbag
    I agree and could do with all the support I can get.....sending friend requests :)
    It is an every struggle. This does help.
    I will try and help you.
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    Ditto to this! Fried request on its way!
  • kerrycherry
    Im new to this site and i will send you a request as i could do with some moral support too
  • sassi5
    Feel free to add me! :)