Can you estimate your lean body mass?

I was reading a forum yesterday about how much protein you should eat (1g per lb of lean body mass) and was all excited today to get to the ymca and have them measure my body fat so I can figure out where I should be nutritionally. Turns out they tossed their "measure thingie" (I swear that's what she called it). When I asked why she said it was so people don't concentrate on "the number"....I didn't realize my Y membership came with protection from my number.

So...the point of my charming little story is I'd still like to figure out all of my nutritional guidelines and am hoping there is a way to get pretty close without the "measure thingie" (eyeroll).


  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I think that's pretty silly of them. Although BIA devices, like other body composition analysis methods, have their flaws in prediction, it's still a convenient and easy way to predict ones body fatness. You could use calipers or girth measurement formulas, though, keep in mind that human error can lead to inaccurate testing. With calipers, the tester has to pinch the appropriate area and amount of skin; likewise, girth measurements need to be taken at exact locations in combination with the right formula for the individual.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you can estimate it from what your weight would be at 20% body fat as a start point, for example if the "skinny you" was 120 lbs then you would have 96 lbs of lean body mass and so on.

    I have seen guidelines based on height, too, with different values for men and women. Can't remember where.