Newbie to this :)

Hi there

I have reached that point in my life where I have become less motivated and the pounds have started piling on around the waist and hips

I weighed my self this morning. I am 25 yr old male, 205lbs with 30% body fat.

I would like to loose weight and general tone up.

do people have any ideas on what exercises to do. I cant run as I have shin splints.




  • Emilyturrell
    hey i started doing insanity workout. I have knee problems so i had to stop running, But this program is awesome. It's really hard and so you will probably have to stop a lot bc i do, But you will notice you will be able to go longer and feel yourself getting stronger. I am doing the 60 day challenge.
    If this is to much at first i suggest just going on the treadmill for about 30 min on a incline till your legs get stronger.
  • jlock819
    You're going to want to work your way into an exercise routine, with your initial focus on cardio. As you build up your stamina and routine, you should add in some additional time lifting weights, beginning with 3-4 days per week.

    As you work your way into an exercise routine, you can immediately begin looking at your diet (i.e. the foods you eat daily) to see what should be removed or increased. I'd start out by tracking your food for 5-7 days using the tracker on here, or on the app. This will help you see where you fall in relation to # of calories you truly need to maintain your weight, and how many calories you need to reduce this # by to reach your goals.