THE CAll!! Girl talk!

So I am and have been ready to have kids for the past year. 6 months ago I went in for my yearly check up and received THE CALL. If you don't already know this no news is good news. So getting a voicemail to call my OBGYN back was horrifying. I call back and find out I had abnormal cells and needed to come in for a Colposcopy and Biopsy of my cervix. So nerves rattling I go in and I get my extremely painful procedure done. So about a week later another voicemail I call back and the results are moderate Dysplasia so nothing will be done until or if they turn in cancer cells and I have kinda let it go from my mind until I get the call today that I have to come in again for a 6 month check up! Now I am so stressed out oh and the news from the doctor was do I plan on having children when I said yes she said she wouldn't hold it off much longer. I really want kids I am such a mess about this. I just bought a house 4 months ago. Do I start trying now and hope my life is in place by the time the baby would come? Are there any women on here that can relate? Any advice?:brokenheart:


  • I have had the CALL also. I had the same colposcopy and biopsy and then had to go for a further invasive procedure. This was about a year and a half ago. I was not ready for kids, was getting married soon and afraid what it meant for our futures. The stress was consuming. I understand. I have a similar diagnosis and it has not escalated into anything. My doctor mentioned that it is not a reason to hold off on getting pregnant (I am 31 now) and she is advocating trying in the next couple years, regardless of what else is going on down there. There is never good timing. Life may never be in place. If you want kids, go for it. Try, with your doctor's advice and recommendations, on when to do what. Women have babies with many different issues in their bodies and as long as it is safe, don't let it deter you. Also, take a deep breath. In six months, the cells may have morphed and not become something to worry about. Or maybe in a year. Don't let this run things. Enjoy the process of trying to get pregnant and set that aside as something to think about but not worry. Write out why you shouldn't worry and read it every time until you can recite it when you are scared. Good luck!
  • I have had the CALL also. I had the same colposcopy and biopsy and then had to go for a further invasive procedure. This was about a year and a half ago. I was not ready for kids, was getting married soon and afraid what it meant for our futures. The stress was consuming. I understand. I have a similar diagnosis and it has not escalated into anything. My doctor mentioned that it is not a reason to hold off on getting pregnant (I am 31 now) and she is advocating trying in the next couple years, regardless of what else is going on down there. There is never good timing. Life may never be in place. If you want kids, go for it. Try, with your doctor's advice and recommendations, on when to do what. Women have babies with many different issues in their bodies and as long as it is safe, don't let it deter you. Also, take a deep breath. In six months, the cells may have morphed and not become something to worry about. Or maybe in a year. Don't let this run things. Enjoy the process of trying to get pregnant and set that aside as something to think about but not worry. Write out why you shouldn't worry and read it every time until you can recite it when you are scared. Good luck!

    Thank you so much for sharing that with me and the advice I really appreciate it! :flowerforyou:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Take a deep breathe..and do what you feel you need to do..Also..dont forget adoption..which is an awesome choice..(i have pcos..and after several attempts...gave up on having children that way)
  • Wow. I wish you the best :flowerforyou:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I got the same call,,,,it was a long time ago, my 2nd baby was only a yr old and I had a 3 yr old, so it was about 24 yrs ago. I had to go in and get the cryosurgery (freezing) done 3xs it didnt help, finally they did lazer surgery everything has been fine since, I didnt get pregnant afterwards though , you notice I have 7 children but I adopted the others so I didnt go through a pregnancy afterwards but the dr said I could have, If you really want children I would go for it. If I waited until the perfect time to have children I probably wouldnt have had any. Good Luck and I agree try to relax and enjoy the process of getting pregnant and the pregnancy
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I just had a baby and we struggled with some medical stuff. I had waited a long time in hopes that I would "be ready" and "have my life together"... to no avail. :) The bottom line is, you will never be 100% ready for a baby. But if you want the baby, and will love the baby, your little one will have a great life, even if there are struggles. In many ways I think it is good, because kids who get to see their parents struggle and persevere have a good role model of how to overcome obstacles in life.
  • I had the call after a abnormal pap I had when I was preggers. The doc said I had pre cancerous cells on my cervix but they would wait till after baby to do biopsy. I went in after I had the baby and they did another pap and it came back fine. No more abnormal cells. My baby wasn't planned and honestly if you wait for the right moment it will never come. Just do it it's the best thing in the world being a mommy yes it's expensive and hard at times but everything always has a way of working its self out. Good luck to you!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I went through this about 5 years ago. I had pap smears every 3 months for two years, and then every 6 months for another two years--this isn't horrible news, this is just them keeping a close eye on you. Overachiever that I am, I had not one, but two strains of HPV. I have been told that I will have to have pap smears at least yearly for the rest of my life, but so far I have been healthy. Other than having three chunks of my cervix cut out, it really hasn't been a big deal. *shrug* As for kids, you might want to ask your doctor some more questions about this, because I've never been told that I should hurry up and have kids because of my abnormal pap (not that I'm interested in having them, but I figure one of the multiple doctors I've seen since then would have mentioned it).

    It's also worth adding that, even if this did develop into cancer, cervical cancer is very treatable when caught early, so as long as the doctors are monitoring you, you should be okay.
  • ttesta20
    ttesta20 Posts: 35 Member
    I also received THE CALL - when I was 23 years old! Totally not ready for kids at that point! I had the colposcopy and biopsy, which came back with severe dysplasia, so I also had the LEEP procedure performed to remove the abnormal cells. My husband and I are struggling with some fertility issues now, but neither my current doctor nor my former doctor attributed this to the LEEP procedure. It may not hurt to get a second opinion on this, especially if you don't feel the timing is right and/or your nerves are getting the best of you. I stayed with the same doctor for over a year even though I had a feeling in the back of my mind that something just wasn't quite right. Now I have switched to a doctor that is very proactive and we are getting answers to so many of our questions that were dismissed before. Don't be afraid of offending your current provider - YOUR health is first and foremost above ANYTHING. Best of luck with this!
  • I can't say that I have gone through what you have but I did hear that I may never have kids (2 kids later, and I couldn't be happier). The one thing that I can tell you is that you will never be "ready" to have kids when it comes to money. If you are really wanting them and the person in your life is ready, I say just go for it and things tend to workout! Good luck, and I wish you the best!
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    Good things come to those who wait DOES NOT apply with children. If you want them and know you will love them, then have them. My daughter was about 6 months early in "our plans for children". I found out during a pregnancy pap that I had abnormal cells and they waited till 6 weeks after the pregnancy to check again and then do a biopsy and then the cryo/freeze procedure 6 weeks after that. I actually had to use some lytocane (numbing gel) to have the surgery done because I was still swollen and not completely healed from the birth. The cryo worked, so far. I have to go back again to get my yearly exam.

    All the ladies here are right, don't wait for a perfect moment because guess what? That perfect moment is the first time you feel your child kick or the first moment you see them and hold them in your arms. That perfect moment is the first smile, the first roll over, the first step, the first laugh, etc. I would not trade those moments for those 6 months in our "plan" for anything. My daughter makes me smile every day.

    Look into your heart and see what you feel about children, leave your brain out of it and make your decision.
  • Thank you ladies! I am scheduling my 6 month check up tomorrow and I will bring up more questions and concerns about pregnancy. One other thing I forgot to mention is that I get very bad painful ovarian cyst I end in the ER over them at least 3 times a year so that also worries me about getting pregnant.