GymPact iPhone App

Does anyone use the "GymPact" iphone app? Do you recommend it? TIA


  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have been curious about Gym Pact, too.
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    It could be a good motivator I suppose.
  • pamperedpenguin
    pamperedpenguin Posts: 95 Member
    I saw it today and am thinking about it. Only thing is that they only pay if you go faster then 2 mph and I'm not quite there yet. I'll have to research further but I think it's a great concept!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Bump to get more feedback. I've been debating trying it out.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    I have it and I use it. I have heard that it can be pretty buggy, though. However, I have had no problems, and I believe that the more popularity it gains, the more often bug fixes will come out for those who are affected. I would like to friend some other Gympact users and maybe join or start a group.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have it and I use it. I have heard that it can be pretty buggy, though. However, I have had no problems, and I believe that the more popularity it gains, the more often bug fixes will come out for those who are affected. I would like to friend some other Gympact users and maybe join or start a group.
    How long have you been using it? Do you really earn money? How much?
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I want money. Someone please explain!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I have been wondering about that app too!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I just looked at the website, sounds too good to be true
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I used it for 3 months but cancelled it last week. You can see my recent posts for another post about it.

    My workouts averaged about 40 cents each. A missed workout is $5 so if you miss one, it takes 13 workouts to recoup it. That was insane to me. I understand they have processing fees but seriously?

    I found it made me focus on just being at the gym instead of whether I'm working out in a way that makes sense. I would rather take a rest day unplanned and have an awesome workout the next day than have 2 mediocre ones just because I set my pact to what I had originally planned.

    As far as bugs, I only had it check me out of a location once but the app is less than awesome in its design. It doesn't give a lot of confirmation when you change things so I had it fail to update my pact a few times even when it looked like it did. I also couldn't tell if it really set me to take a break when I requested because you just back out of the screen and don't hit submit or get a confirmation or anything.

    Supposedly they send you a weekly attendance report on Tuesday or Wednesday. I got a total of 4 or less during the 3 months I used it.

    It's worth a shot to see if you like it but just keep in mind they have your credit card number. I got out of the app when it asked for my payment info and when I went back in, I was in a sort of test mode with zero dollars on the line and zero dollars for rewards. I tried it out for a week that way before deciding to give them my credit card info. You might still be able to do that though there has been a major upgrade since I did it.

    ETA: I like a lot better. You get points to turn in for stuff instead of cash but you can get some cool stuff for cheap or free using it. They also have sponsors who run challenges so you can earn a certain number of points to enter to win stuff. I linked up my foursquare and just check in when I go to the gym. A lot easier than checking in, checking out and hoping it logged it into gympact.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I use it and love it! You generally get between .25-.50 cents per workout.

    Basically, you tell them how many times you are going to work out per week, and then choose how much you want to pay if you miss a workout. (I have mine set for 3x/week, and to charge me $5 for each workout.) What you get is based on how many times you work out, but also how many other people didn't meet their pact that week.

    When you get to the gym, you check in, and then check out again when you leave. If you are outside, you can log in through RunKeeper.

    You can also set it to take a week off (say if you were going on vacation), or even for an indefinite amount of time.

    I've made $13.40 so far, and I think I was doing it for maybe 2 months before I went home for Christmas.
  • chayleah
    chayleah Posts: 51 Member
    I have looked at both & decided to go with Earndit for now because it is free. But I think they both can help with commitment to the exercise. Some people are motivated by negative rewards...that seems to be what Gympact is geared towards. The money you earn isn't supposed to be the motivator, the money you lose is. Earndit is gear towards people motivated by postive stuff. What motivates you more?
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    ETA: I like a lot better. You get points to turn in for stuff instead of cash but you can get some cool stuff for cheap or free using it. They also have sponsors who run challenges so you can earn a certain number of points to enter to win stuff. I linked up my foursquare and just check in when I go to the gym. A lot easier than checking in, checking out and hoping it logged it into gympact.

    That sounds really interesting... I'll have to look into that :)
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I have looked at both & decided to go with Earndit for now because it is free. But I think they both can help with commitment to the exercise. Some people are motivated by negative rewards...that seems to be what Gympact is geared towards. The money you earn isn't supposed to be the motivator, the money you lose is. Earndit is gear towards people motivated by postive stuff. What motivates you more?

    I definitely agree that gympact and eardit are geared toward differently motivated people. My issue was that I worked out 3-5x a week for about 3 months and because I missed 2 workouts in that time, I got $2-3 overall. So it was just making me feel bad about my progress lol