Has anyone ever heard of loosing weight while pregant?



  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I weighed 3lbs less right before giving birth than when I got pregnant. I also threw up every day from 8 weeks til the day I gave birth. With baby #2 I gained 8 lbs. She weighed 9. I threw up almost as often. I also suffered from low blood pressure. 68/40 was average while pregnant. Afterwards, between the pregnancy sucking the life out of me, and breast feeding for 5 months, my hair started falling out in clumps. She is nearly 10 months and its finally growing back in. I envied women that gained healthy amounts of weight. They felt much better while pregnant. Losing weight while pregnant is not to be envied.
  • teinepalagi
    teinepalagi Posts: 86 Member
    To inject a little evidence-based medicine into the conversation. The Institute of Medicine issued new guidelines in 2009; I've linked directly to the table in the report:


    basically, here's the table:

    Underweight: Gain 28-40 pounds
    Normal weight: Gain 25-35 pounds
    Overweight: Gain 15-25 pounds
    Obese: Gain 11-20 pounds
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    Don't get too worked up about it. I hit my goal weight about a month and a half before I found myself pregnant with a surprise third baby. I was very sick in the beginning and then tried to be incredibly careful with my eating... and it was six months before I really started gaining. Somehow I had convinced myself that if I didn't gain too much, I wasn't going to get a big belly. And um, hello. Growing a person. You are going to get round. It is going to happen. Don't be crazy like me.

    In the end I gained 31lbs, and at six months post partum I have lost all but the last pound. Not bad.

    So my advice is, eat healthfully. Eat enough. Keep in mind you are growing a person and you want them to be healthy. You want your body to be strong enough to give birth to this child and take care of him or her once they get here. Be active. And just accept that things are going to change and you'll have some work to do when you're done.
  • missygurl_27
    Okay to whose wondering Before i got pregnant i was 140. I did have a problem with my pregnacy i had low fluids, so i had to be monitored often. Now my grandma told me to eat for two lol i guess i took it to seriously but i did quit smoking so that was part of my over eating. My daughter was very healthy. Anyway so after my pregnacy i weighed in at 250. Which now im down to 206. Im hoping to loose another 20lbs before i get pregnant.. and then i guess just try to mantain it.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I don't think that anyone should be dieting per se when pregnant with the intention to lose weight, however I think these days most women seem to be given full license to eat whatever they want and gain as much as they want because "Hey, I'm pregnant damn it!!" even though there are many conditions that are detrimental for both mother and child when too much weight is gained when pregnant. If people just eat whole natural foods and not processed crap I'm sure most people wouldn't gain much, and those that are heavier might lose weight as well.
  • missygurl_27
    Don't get too worked up about it. I hit my goal weight about a month and a half before I found myself pregnant with a surprise third baby. I was very sick in the beginning and then tried to be incredibly careful with my eating... and it was six months before I really started gaining. Somehow I had convinced myself that if I didn't gain too much, I wasn't going to get a big belly. And um, hello. Growing a person. You are going to get round. It is going to happen. Don't be crazy like me.

    In the end I gained 31lbs, and at six months post partum I have lost all but the last pound. Not bad.

    So my advice is, eat healthfully. Eat enough. Keep in mind you are growing a person and you want them to be healthy. You want your body to be strong enough to give birth to this child and take care of him or her once they get here. Be active. And just accept that things are going to change and you'll have some work to do when you're done.

    ^^ Thank you :) Your story is very helpful. And the fact that you were able to loose your baby weight in 6 months.. Congrats!
  • missygurl_27
    It is possible i did it with my second pregnancy docs kept close weekly appointments but was worth it:happy:

    How much did you loose?? What were you doing? And was your baby healthy at birth?
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    Just keep logging and exercising while you are pregnant, it couldn't be any simpler! I don't understand why some people on here are like "Just found out I'm pregnant, see ya'll in 9 months!" I wish I would have known about MFP during my pregnancies, because when is it more important to be eating a balanced diet? Also, I think maintaining regular exercise during pregnancy is important just for the sheer fact that labor is physically hard work!

    Just wanted to add that I was 206 at the start of my last pregnancy. My doctor didn't want me to gain more that 16 lb. I had a 4 lb. loss up to the 3rd trimester and then I gained 14, so 10lb total gain for my whole pregnancy. I was at my pre-pregnancy weight the day after delivery. I craved healthy food while pregnant and although I didn't count calories, I was not overeating.

    The British Medical Journal did do a study released this year that basically said that being on a diet during pregnancy was healthy for women of every weight, but especially for overweight or obese women. They found no adverse side effects to the baby from limiting caloric intake and found that it was even better for you than eating what you want but exercising while pregnant. Here is a link to the study:

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I lost 17 with both my pregnancies, but I had gestational diabetes. Once that was in check, I started gaining.
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    because i started my last pregnancy " overweight " i just switched my calories on here from loss to maintain and did my best to keep making healthy food choices and tried to stay as close to my maintenance calorie goal as possible but i was still flexible with it. if i was still hungry i would eat..if i was full i wouldn't. just before delivery i had gained about 6 pounds and after her birth i was down 25 pounds from where i started and i had a very healthy 7lb 7oz baby.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I would never try to lose weight while pregnant. I gained 60 lbs even with my first daughter, mainly due to poor advice from older women that I should eat more even if I'm not hungry... Anyway, my 2nd, I only gained 10-15 through the pregnancy and when I had her I actually weighed less than I did before I got pregnant with her. I didn't try to do that though. Trying for my 3rd now, and I plan to just eat like I have been, eat when I'm hungry or craving something, and try my best to keep exercising. Aside from that, I will not TRY to lose weight.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I lost 14 lbs the first 3 months but not on purpose, it was due to morning sickness. I think eating healthy, not overdoing the portions etc, exercising, like walking, swimming not strenous is great and will help you not to gain alot but you should gain some weight while pregnant you want a healthy baby
  • kvachon
    kvachon Posts: 24 Member
    When I delivered my last child I was down 10 Lbs. They told me this was nothing to worry about and that the baby would take all it needs. I was not trying for this but that is what happened.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    I have to be on a hideous diet whenever I get pregnant because I get gestational diabetes. When I got pregnant with my son, the first weigh-in @ around 12 weeks pregnant was 170 & change. The first weigh-in after I had given birth was 150 & change. My son was 9lbs 6.5oz when he was born & while pregnant, I had my own gravitational pull. I was not actively trying to lose weight...I chalk it up to my carb intake being severely restricted.
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    I say just talk to your doctor. Just eat healthy and keep exercising until you get to big. If it's something you are used to doing it is fine, unless it is some extreme sport. The baby should get what it needs regardless, but you will suffer if you aren't getting enough nutrients. It's only nine months and MFP will be here after it's done. Good luck!
  • sadeyedangel
    I lost about 20. It wasn't on purpose and I would never recommend dieting during pregnancy (unless advised by a dr). I just had awful morning sickness followed by this awful heart burn. He was a large baby and pressed up on my stomach making it difficult to eat a whole meal.

    He was born weighing nearly 9 lbs -- AND HE WAS BORN A MONTH EARLY! Phew!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    You only need an extra few hundred calories while you're pregnant (above maintenance). I would suggest just eating as healthy as possible and drink plenty of water (and stay active!). Sometimes even despite best efforts, some people just gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. Everyone's body reacts differently during pregnancy and I think it's just a response to your needs (assuming you aren't living off twinkies or whatever lol). I know a lady who gained 80lbs + with each pregnancy and dropped it all quickly after each baby. She didn't eat like a pig or anything, it's just how her body handled the hormones.

    I gained 28 lbs with my 1st and 18 lbs with my 2nd. I didn't eat all that healthy honestly but I had wicked morning sickness lol
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    my sister has maintained her weight well into her 2nd trimester. i think its because she's over weight and trying to eat healthier for the baby tho..
  • kidcole11
    kidcole11 Posts: 98 Member
    I was obese when I got pregnant with my first daughter. I lost 20 pounds while pregnant , then gained 35 then had her and lost it all, then gained it back. so 220 then 200 then 235 then had her and 200 then back up to 225.
  • FLbaby2012
    FLbaby2012 Posts: 16 Member
    I lost some weight during the first 3 months with my daughter, maybe 12 lbs or so, but it was due mainly to stress and feeling nauseous a lot, def wasn't trying.