How to Win It

Hi All,

I'm back here at MFP for the bajillionth time. I'm going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding soon and I tried on the dress for the first time yesterday/ Um, let's just say that I looked pregnant when I'm clearly not.....not a good moment for me. So here I am again...I go through these phases where I ate for months whatever I want and don't exercise...then I get disgusted with myself and realize that I need to do something about it and back on the weight loss wannabe bandwagon. I stick to my program for a day, a week, or a couple of months, and then find myself back at square one again.

I know I need to lose weight and I want to, I just don't know how in the world to make it stick and have this be the last time I 'try' this again? Anyone have any motivation tips? I could really use some!! I'm really tired of starting over and over again...

Thanks to all!


  • davidjohnb17
    davidjohnb17 Posts: 36 Member
    As someone who lost 60lbs, went down to a normal weight and then piled it back on I understand the frustration. I'm hoping what's going to stop me doing it again once I get the weight back off is remembering how gutted I was and how dissapointed and frustrated I was when I realised I had gone back to how I was. I'm also going to remember that i've done this twice now and not only is it frustrating but that losing weight is harder than just maintaining a healthy routine and lifestyle and so by keeping the weight off i'm also saving myself a whole load of struggle. Not sure if this helps but good luck to you anyway! :)