Fast Food Cravings... HELP



  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    See, I love McDonalds and I go there with my son every so often. What I love about there is that they have calories on everything. The boards behind them, the paper on the tray, drive through, etc (UK). They are really good at giving people the option of making healthy food choices. Their healthy stuff such as wraps and salads are really tasty and quite filling. Once a month I may spash out on a burger. You could always look online before you go to any of the fast food joints to see if they have the calorific content on there before you go. If you keep practicing using your will power and/or discipline you will succeed.

    I have lost 30lb (2.2 stone) since January 2010 by taking one step at a time, little and often, while practicing discipline and will power. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    If you're eating a really well balance diet your body won't crave junk food so much. I hated fruit and hardly ate any veges and now the majority of my food is fruit and veges. Sometimes you need to know your limitations and ask her boyfriend to buy and consume his own junk food cause it's not fair on you. It's not forever and it's not a punishment - you just need to put your needs first for a while.

    I agree, this. It will level out. You just gotta make it a few days or so. Plus, find foods that will get you by the craving. Dont deny yourself, find a better option. Like instead of regular ice cream at 200-400 for 1/2 cup , get breyers fat free ice cream-chocolate is the best, for 90 cals 1/2 cup. Fudgesicles are only 40 cals a pop. If your craving hot dogs, get fat free ones, it will save you over 100 cals a hot dog. Familiarize yourself with all the fast food nutrition facts so you know exactly how many calories you are spending. For me, it deters me from ordering too much food or the high cals stuff..

    As far as fast food cravings, thats up to you. There is nothing we can say or do, it sucks but it is what it is. You got this girl. Here is a link to a "eat this, not that" with the fast food chains if you choose to keep going. .
  • MiniCooperDeb
    MiniCooperDeb Posts: 48 Member
    I did a couple of things to help get over the fast food thing. 1) Watch a video or read up on the internet about what's REALLY IN fast food. It will make you think twice before putting that crap in your precious body. 2) And this is really nothing active you have to do - after time, the cravings diminish. Especially if you cut back on carbs, the carb addiction lessens and you don't have crazy urges so much.

    Last year, I absolutely craved carbs in all forms - pasta, bread, rice, potatoes you name it. Now I can truthfully say I can walk past a plate of pasta and not feel deprived. It WILL happen. Use MFP to help you. We are all rooting for you,
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    I can relate, because I crave chocolate all the time. I am really ashamed to say this, but I used to eat 20 - 25 pieces or 4 - 5 whole bars in a day before I started MFP! I still crave them on a daily basis. But, I am bringing down the amount I consume. I started off with 3 chocolates a day, and now I am down to just one 74-calorie bar a day. I am planning to make it once in two days next month, and eventually become a "normal person" by December end.

    I wish I had some quick solution for you - but all that's worked for me is to reduce the portions and have only small bites when my cravings become too much. One day, we will indeed beat our cravings!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Taco Bell is tasty food. Get the calorie counts from the website, check and see if someone has already updated MFP with them.

    Log what you ate/eat from there. Figure out how to incorporate it into your meal plan.

    Taco Bell is not evil. Not logging and planning to eat the right amount/blend of taco bell is evil. You can even eat gluten free at taco bell.

    Generally, stay away from the white flour tortillas and cheese… and chips. You will be able to enjoy it and its convenience to your work.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    When I do eat fast food, I try to plan for it. If I'm going to have it for dinner, then I plan for a light lunch and try not to have any additional unhealthy snacks during the day. I keep fruit cups and 100 calorie snacks in my office. I also try to work out an extra 15-30 minutes more that day. If I have it for lunch, then I have a green salad at dinner or eat more vege's and still work out additional 15-30 minutes.

    All of us go through this one time or another. But being on here have helped a lot with the calories counting, etc. I never knew how many calories I burned off when I work out. For me anyway, the key is not to kick myself down when I do slip up, just do better the next day or when you get home. When I'm really craving, I usually wait a half hour and if the feeling is still there then I get it but a small portion of it and I drink water with it to get me full faster.

    I just ask you not to beat yourself up regarding this and then stop working out etc. This is a life journey and we need to get to know our triggers with food. We all will have a burger, fried chicken, or whatever but it's all in moderation and not having those things late at night. We are all here you...!!!!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Regarding Taco Bell cravings: Another thing you could do is to mix up your own taco seasoning and incorporate that into calorie-controlled stuff you make at home. There are a handful of recipes on that do a pretty good job of approximating the Taco Bell taste. Just search "taco seasoning" there and you will be able to find them easily enough. I pre-mixed a big batch of that and keep it in an airtight container with my other spices, so it's ready to go whenever I want to add that flavor to anything.

    Also, Taco Bell's nutrition info online is really pretty comprehensive. If you go there, plan ahead what items you will order and log them before you go.
  • gdrmuzak
    gdrmuzak Posts: 103 Member
    Personally, I eat a TB 1-2x week (like lunch today!!!). I usually have 2 or 3 fresco hard tacos or I'll sub one or two of them and get fresco Doritos tacos. By doing them fresco style, I'm staying under 300 or 450 calories, and less than:
    - 1/3 of my fat,
    - 1/4 of my protein
    - 12% of my carbs
    - practically no sugar
    - over 1/3 of my sodium

    Even going on the small side at fast food places, I like TB's stats compared to McD's, Wendy's and BK; AND on top of that, I don't feel all bloated and greasy inside (which I really feel if I hit McD's with a McDouble).