Plus Size and Pregnant

Hi, I'm Donna I'm going to be 17 weeks pregnant this week and I am feeling very let down by the scale lately. I have only gained 3 pounds so far but it is very scary for me to see the scale move back up to where I promised I would never see those numbers again. It was my own fault that I gained back about 18 pounds before I got pregnant, that was due to me just being lazy and I admit it. I am terrified to gain back the weight that I worked SO HARD to work off.
I have a very high risk pregnancy because of how my last one went. So I can't work out or be too active without a chance of abrupting again.
I know that being pregnant of COURSE I am going to gain weight,but is it normal to be this depressed about it? I just hope I have the energy to lose the weight after I have the baby. Taking care of a 3 year old and a newborn I'm sure won't be easy.
Don't get me wrong, we are very VERY excited for the new baby. I'm grateful that after a year of trying we finally got pregnant again. I just am having a hard time coming to terms with gaining my weight back...has anyone else ever felt this way?

Thanks for reading:)



    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    When I was pregnant, my OB told me a 25-30 lbs of weight gain was within normal limits for term and most if not all of that comes off during and following birth naturally. Any more than that and its actual weight gain (instead of pregnancy related), and any less than that, you could be denying yourself proper nutrition for yourself and the baby. You might want to discuss this with your OB and let them know the feelings your having.
  • Marcellus_08
    Thanks so much BR3ANDA for replying:) I never thought of it that way. I am just constantly avoiding most food because I am scared to gain more then I should. I will for sure have to bring it up to my doctor and see what she suggests :)
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I agree with consulting a doctor. I have heard from various friends/co workers that depression during pregnancy can happen just as much as post partem depression. Perhaps the feelings you are experiencing are related to that but focused on the scale and/or your previous weight loss? I'm not saying it is, just something that occurred to me. But, I would definitely let the doctor know. He/She may be able to offer suggestions or tips...
  • Eureka175
    Eureka175 Posts: 77 Member
    I second the previous posters suggestion of discussing your feelings with your OB - as for feeling so depressed about the weight gain, it could be normal as you worked hard for it - but it could also be a sign to watch out for Post Partum Depression - this does sometimes show during pregnancy, not just after. My biggest advice would be to eat properly - good nutritious food to feed your baby and yourself - you can continue to track calories to ensure you hit your goal, yet not go overboard - and a few weeks after birth - start getting active - walk with your kids, use a bike with trailer attached, do videos at home when kids sleeping / napping, join a gym that has childcare, etc. in order to take care of yourself and also feel better. If you notice signs of postpartum depression, please do not hesitate to discuss with your doctor as well as search out local resources available to you (i.e. support groups etc.) The sooner you tackle it, the less severe it will be. Take care!
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    You can have a eating and exercise plan--it just needs to be tailored a bit. You still need to watch high sugar and high fat foods, as well as salt. There also a lot of pregnancy friendly exercises. I would look into doing pool exercises if you can.
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    I also agree with talking to your doctor. See what kinds of exercise would be okay, if any (maybe SOME walking & yoga/pilates geared toward pregnant women?). I haven't been pregnant, but I know that anxiety of seeing weight come back on the scale. Also, just check in with him/her about the feelings so that they're aware & can advise you. Focus on getting this new family member here safe & healthy & have some confidence in yourself that you'll refocus on weight loss when you can. Not a hazy date--even mark on the calendar, like six weeks after birth or whenever the doctor gives you the okay--but a concrete this-is-when-the-mission-restarts event. :)
  • nabak147112
    nabak147112 Posts: 105 Member
    First off...congrats on the pregnancy. and i agree with talking with your OB. you dont want to avoid food because you and your baby need the food and nutrients,altho i think they say that you only need something like 300 extra calories while being pregnant a day.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    One thing to think about when you get stuck on "gaining weight" during your pregnancy is where all that weight is actually coming from as it's not all fat! If you focus on eating healthy during your pregnancy and tracking your calories and not on giving in to cravings and overdo it on fatty, high calorie/low nutrient dense foods (I know, easier said than done, so that's when I'll say everything in moderation!), then you'll have a low % of fat compared to where the rest of the weight goes so when the baby's born you'll actually have less to lose than you think. I've included the breakdown below for you to revisit to remind yourself of this (found in a guide provided by my OB).

    Bottom line up front: only 16-18% of the weight you gain will go to fat if you watch what you eat.

    breast......................................1.0-1.5 lbs
    blood.......................................3.0-4.5 lbs
    extra water..............................4.0-6.0 lbs
    uterus......................................2.5-3.0 lbs
    placenta/amniotic fluid................3.5 lbs
    baby.........................................7.0-8.0 lbs
    fat stores.................................4.0-6.5 lbs
    TOTAL........................................25-35 lbs

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    My doctor told me if I get pregnant just to switch to maintenance calories. The baby will take what it needs and I can gain 10 closer towards the end. Discuss this with your doctor.
  • jmalone71
    jmalone71 Posts: 34 Member
    I guess it depends on how over weight you are ? With both of my last kids i was in the 275 weight range , and i only gained between 7 to 10 lbs, i was very conscious of what i ate and just ate more veggies and fruits, when you are overweight , you do not need to gain 20 to 30 lbs to have a healthy baby . Both of my babies where large , one was 9 lbs 8 ozs and the last was 10lbs 10 oz.. My weight fluctuated a lot , and i just tried to really keep myself on a short leash and not binge on junk food which is what i crave big time , especially when pregnant .
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Discuss with your doctor. I was 243 when I was pregnant with my son, and I lost weight during the pregnancy. Thankfully he came out healthy, but they think what happened was that because i was active during my pregnancy (It was my first year as a sports correspondent and between walking around at the games, plus stadium stairs, plus walking around campus because i was in school, and walked in the evenings, usually about a half mile) but i went full out exercise after my 6 week appointment (which i counted down to, other then the birth).

    Congratulations on the pregnancy :)
  • amysmartin
    amysmartin Posts: 84 Member
    Well I'm at 17 weeks and have gained 17 lbs, I would be thrilled if it was only 2-3. I agree with the others and would talk to your MD about your feelings, I go through some crazy emotional ups and downs while pregnant, and I understand feeling guilty about gaining it back. There are days where I completely lose hope that I can manage mine. Feel free to message me if you ever want to chat about it.
  • Marcellus_08
    Thanks so much to all of you that have replied back. I truely truely appreciate it. I go to my doctor tomorrow and I hope to dicuss it with her and get some things planned out so I can maintain or keep my weight under control. I am hoping to just gain enough that I know my baby is healthy. It worries me that I have only gained a few pounds after losing about 11 once I found out (due to morning sickness). I lost alot if weight with my first pregnancy and she was born at 31 weeks weighing only 2.7 lbs so my concern this time around is very high.

    Thanks again for you all being so sweet to me and giving me advice.
  • sarat88
    Hi Marcellus_08! I am in the same boat with you! I lost 80lbs previously with MFP then gained almost 20 back. Now that I am pregnant (4 mo.) I have also gained about 3. And YES! It is scary seeing those numbers move up, especially above 200. Especially that all I can seem to eat is junk, what's to become of me the next few months!?!? I have commited myself to sticking to the calorie guidlines for my body type that my doc has approved. Good luck and I'm sure health conscience women like ourselves will be just fine!