Do vitamins make you sick?



  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    if that doesn't work. Try taking half a vitamin in the morning and half with lunch or dinner. It is a lot to put in your system all at once
  • Mrs_Ford
    Mrs_Ford Posts: 44 Member
    Did you eat a decent meal before you took them? Did you drink a whole glass of water? In my opinion, those are the two MOST important things when taking any vitamin, especially a multivitamin...otherwise you'll probably get sick.

    This is VERY important. If you dont' have enough on your tummy the vitamins will overload your system. I always make sure my food has had about 20mins to settle & then drink a whole 16oz glass of lemon water. It almost gives you a "morning sickness" kind of feeling if you don't prep your body for the large amounts of vitamins. I recommend a banana too when taking a multi-V for breakfast. For me the potassium in the banana helps to really cut the effects.
  • samanthalynne21
    samanthalynne21 Posts: 140 Member
    happens to me! even when I would eat before I took them. I was taking one a day womens and I felt like I was going to throw up every time. I started taking the target brand womens vitamins and I feel fine now.
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    This was a problem I had for years -- and to complicate things I have to take double the usually calcium recommended as I have oestopenia already and a family history of aggresive oestoporosis. The best solution I found besides those mentioned of eating first -- I take Viactive calcium and multi-vitamin chews. They do add to the calorie count if you are very strict in your count. But I found the trade off worth it as they don't bother my stomache. I take the multi-vitamin chew with breakfast, and one calcium chew each with lunch and dinner.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    you guys realize that you don't need to take your vitamins all at once right? You can cut it in half, and actually that's better, giving yourself a massive dose of vitamins is only going to ensure that some of those vitamins are never absorbed. Ideally, you shouldn't be taking vitamins (In a perfect world), as they don't absorb the same from pills as they do from food. But for those of you who do need them, I would at least do some research and find one that has a high rate of bioavailability, most of the generic ones that you get at CVS don't have a very high level of absorption. So what you see on the label isn't nearly what you're actually getting in your body.
  • klybarger
    I don't tolerate multi-vitamins very well. I found a liquid vitamin that I mixed with juice. I found that taking them at night really made a difference for me. Good luck!
  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    Thanks for the post.
    I thought I was going crazy.
    The past few times I took my vitamins - and I admit, I changed my multi and I took all of them together (b12, d3, Flax seed oil, and a multi-vitamin) I was totally sick - shaky and nauseous.

    I will spread them out, cut the multi in half (thanks Banks) and take the flax seed oil at bedtime. I hope it helps. I really do feel better taking a vitamin, I just can't stand the side-effects.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    You could try taking them at night right before bed...I had to do that when I was pregnant. Or if you didn't take them with food, you could try that. I didn't have much of a problem with vitamins before being pregnant, but now no matter when I take them, they make me feel really sick. I've resorted to gummy vitamins. :laugh: ....along with a couple of separate things, such as calcium.

    Hope that helps!

    Do not thake them before you go tobed if you are sensitive to viamin B. You will be up half the night!!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm going to try spreading them out from now on..and seeing about maybe investing in a better vitamin, I guess. I'm so poor. :sad:
  • pinkhuntinggirl13
    For the omega 3-6-9 my doctor said that the best bet is to take it with lunch so that the burpy feeling doesn't happen when I'm going to bed. The other thing that helps with all vitamins is taking them with a handful of almonds (which you should be eating daily anyways, almonds are the healthiest but one serving of 12 packs 49 calories in) or another kind of nut and then you should be good.
  • jessicajoy87
    I take Once a day womens: energy. It makes me sick if Idont eat with it. So if i know im not going to eat with it I'll take flinstones vitamin.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    i eat kids vitamins too haha they are they only kind that dont make me sick

    Ditto... Flintstone's Children's Chewables :smile: My doctor and nutritionist said they do the same.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I can't tolerate regular multi-vitamins either, as they make me nauseous. I also don't care to experience digestive "feedback" from fish oil capsules. I solved both problems as follows:

    Costco carries a adult "gummi" chewable vitamin. The dose is 2 per day, so I take one in the morning and one at night. They also have enteric-coated fish oil caps, their own brand, that eliminated the "fish oil revisited" problem. I also take calcium, magnesium and zinc , calcium, E. I have two pill boxes that I fill once a week and have them set up in such a way that I take vitamins 4 times per day, morning (w/breakfast), mid-morning(w/snack), mid-afternoon(w/snack), evening(w/dinner). By having the morning and evening doses in one box and the mid-morning/afternoon doses in another, I can take the second box with me when I am away from home and make it easier to stay on schedule.

    If you have a Dollar Tree in your area, pill boxes can be had for a $1.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    My nurse told me keep the bottle of omega 3-6-9 supplements in the freezer to prevent the yucky burb. But I still won't take them. I gave that suggestion to my personal trainer and she started doing it and agreed that it helps.

    I started taking multi-vitamins again this week and have been feeling nauseous. I'm so glad I stumbled across this topic and all the great suggestions. Thanks everyone!!
  • phitme
    phitme Posts: 124
    A few years ago, I learned about "food based" or natural vitamins. Since going that direction, I have zero problems with my MV upsetting my stomach, regardless of water or food consumption.

    This is what I take, I love them.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Today is day 2 for me taking a multivitamin A-Z. Yesterday I took them after my bowl of cereal and it upset my stomach terribly.

    Today I decided to take it after a heavier meal so I just took it with my lunch a little while ago and it was WAY better for me. I did drink alot of water too. I felt it slightly hurting my belly but I just starting chugging my water and it went away!
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    The same thing happened to me today!! I didn't eat anything right before or after I took them so I figured that was what it was. I run and grabbed a quick snack (just a few bits of cheese) and it went away. Try eating somehting with them next time. It might help you too!!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Im a fan of the gummy vitamins!
  • mdale2
    mdale2 Posts: 79
    I'm not sure when I read this but those who spend a lot of $$ on multi-vitamins only to absorb small amounts might as well be "pi$$ing gold" - literally and figuratively. I'm a skeptic when it comes to most multivitamins as they have some good elements but also a lot of synthetic crap. I have the same amount of skepticism toward pricy liquid "whole food" multi supps and "vitamin shakes" but don't let my opinion deter you if you enjoy them. Again, most of it just goes down the uh...drain.

    I stopped taking multi's some time ago but still supplement with a quality fish oil and about 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily (I live in a dreary climate)... The average American's diet produces an out of balance ratio of Omega 3 to 6 as many tend to overload on Omega 6 (not on purpose, of course) and not get enough Omega 3. If you have some concern, you can have levels of both D and 3 checked in a blood panel.
  • Questfor250
    its the iron. my daughter takes Flintstones kids chewables and no longer gets sick from one a days.