iPhone App...

I am so stoked about this!! The whole reason I have a hard time tracking my calories is because I am going 100 miles a minute and dont always have my lap top..so of course I will occasionally go online on my phone and update things but it takes long ang blah blah but now I have the app so If you have the iPhone get the app!! hehehe



  • ktrichards87
    I agree, I am very excited that they now have this app available. But I'm bummed b/c my iphone has been acting up so i have to send it in for service. Boo! But having this app will make things so much easier for me that is for sure.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    It is really wonderful! I had been using just the online version on my iTouch, and it was clunky--opening up different windows every time I made a change...but it worked for when I was on the go.....

    As soon as I saw the message this was available, I downloaded it and I have been using the new app for the last 2 days. It is just fantastic, very well organized and makes it so much easier to stay up-to-date on logging everything in.

    Thanks MFP!!
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    I strayed for a bit and gained back half the weight I lost. Then I get the email stating that there waas the iPhone app...so now, I'm back on track! I too use it with my ipod touch. Love it!