is it best to lose weight doing cardio THEN 30 day shred?

i`m confused as always :)
i`ve read alot of places that the shred makes u build up muscle but if i want to lose is it not better to lose doing cardio then the shred to tone up??
what are the best fat burning exercises as oposed to building muscle as i don`t want bigger legs no matter how muscular

so any tips?:laugh:


  • namaste
    namaste Posts: 17 Member
    From what I've heard, it's best to start out with cardio to build up stamina and to get your body used to exercise again. Then after a few weeks add in weight training. Cardio burns calories immediately, and weight training builds muscle, which burns more calories than fat. So the ideal is a blend between the two. You mentioned that you don't want your legs any bigger, even if it is muscle. Let me suggest yoga. If you try one of the more active forms (Power Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, etc) you will up your heartbeat (cardio), hold poses that challenge your muscles (strength), and stretch your entire body which will make you longer and leaner. Not to mention the huge bonus of stress relief. This is not to say that you should replace cardio and strength training with yoga, but the three can work very well together. So, give it a shot. Hopefully it will work as well for you as it does for me.

    Good luck!
  • HelloSunshine
    I personally love 30 day shred. I think its a great balance of cardio and strength training so that you are getting the benefits of fat loss from the cardio but also firming up. If you do a bunch of cardio without any strength training you will loose weight but you may be a little flabby.
  • LynnM4
    What is the shred? I'm new here.
  • HelloSunshine
    What is the shred? I'm new here.

    30 Day Shred is a fitness video done by Jillian Michaels from biggest loser. You can buy it a wal-mart or you can also get it on demand from comcast. There are three levels that get increasingly harder and its basically circuit training, mixing cardio and strength straining to loose weight and tone up.

    It'll def. kick your butt though :wink:
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    One, woman dont builk up like men do. SO you wont get bigger unless you are lifting crazy lbs and taking supplments. You need to have a balance of the two. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn (muscle meaning toned). Two, the shred has both cardio and strength training. Personally I cant just do 20 mins a day. So I add more cardio. For example, I did the shred this AM and after work I am going to the gym to do some cardio. Another thing, where do you see the skinny people in the gym? If you notice there are usually in the lbs room (trainer I saw on TV pointed that out). Also in the gym the trainers dont have thier clients on the tredmil they have them doing circuits (just like the shred). I hope that helps.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Whatever it's other benefits, you are unlikely to build any significant muscle doing the 30 day shred workouts. Any exercise program can help to build fat-free mass, but that includes other things as well. And the 30 DS can increase muscle strength, but that is different than increasing muscle mass. Even if the quality of the strength movements in the 30 DS wasn't below average (which it is), there still is simply not enough volume to result in much increase in muscle mass.

    To address your general question, strength training can and should be incorporated into your exercise routine from day 1. You can structure a program to fit any level of conditioning. For a deconditioned individual, adapting to an appropriately designed strength training program need be no more difficult than adapting to a new cardio program. There is plenty of evidence that suggests that combining cardio exercise and strength training in a workout program will yield greater weight loss results than cardio alone, even if there is no increase in muscle mass.
  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    Whatever it's other benefits, you are unlikely to build any significant muscle doing the 30 day shred workouts.

    To address your general question, strength training can and should be incorporated into your exercise routine from day 1. There is plenty of evidence that suggests that combining cardio exercise and strength training in a workout program will yield greater weight loss results than cardio alone, even if there is no increase in muscle mass.

    I agree.

    My experience with the shred is that it is a perfect combination of cardio and strength training. I noticed increased definition in my deltoids, pectorals, and trapezium muscles in a very, very good way!!! (all those pushups):laugh:

    In fact, one of the ladies in the video (the one named Anita) I am convinced has a naturally pear shaped figure - However, she is very fit, and her muscles are long and lean. She is beautiful, and not a bit out of proportion.

    Good luck!