Are ab excercises only for people with hardly any fat on their stomach, to make muscle and get abs? Or can people like, with a stomach do them? Or no? I heard crunches can make it bulge if you have belly fat. So I'm not sure who it's for.


  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Crunches and leg lifts strengthen the core. Cardio and diet take off the layer of fat.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    Anyone can do Ab exercises, but as long as there's fat over the abs, the definition will not be seen. Fat needs to be removed by healthy eating and cardio. Ab exercises strengthen the core muscles which is really good for stabilizing.
  • good core strength is benefit all other types of workouts. I don't see why a certain body shouldn't do them.

    blogilates.com has some amazing ones
  • t1dude
    t1dude Posts: 11 Member
    Ab exercises will make your abs stronger, but there is no such thing as spot reduction. Cardio burns fat, which comes off of different areas of the body unique to each person. Some people lose belly fat last (usually men) and some people lose hip/butt fat last (usually women). And some people's bodies lose fat last in some other spot.
  • Thank you all so much :) helped out a lot!
  • 1. Check out the app "6 pack promise"
    2. Check out the Scott Herman youtube videos for ab workouts
    3. Do the above plus cardio!