Alternatives to Soda

I noticed that, while at work, I tend to drink a lot of Soda (Coke, Pepsi, Etc...). I feel that it is contributing to my weight gain and I would like to find better alternatives while at work.

Is Coffee a better than Soda for weight control?

What about Seltzer Waters?

And what are the differences between the Diet and Regular soda's?

Will cutting Soda's out of my work day diet, help??


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    well, coffee by itself is far better than soda, I.E. black with no sugar. If you add cream and sugar though, you're not doing yourself any favors.

    diet soda usually has no calories, but you should be aware of the sweeteners that they use, some people try to avoid things like splenda and saccharin.

    and yes, soda can be a HUGE contributor to weight gain (regular soda). Soda contains copious amounts of sugar, very bad. And not the good sugar either (I.E. fructose or lactose) it's the bad, processed stuff.
  • ktrichards87
    I drink the flavored waters that have the carbonation in them, and I buy them at walmart. There like $.78/bottle and 2 of them each day will give you your 8 cups of water. But, since even drinking 14 of those each week will add up $ wise, I'm just trying to go towards just drinking plain water. Have you tried to put like an orange slice, cucumber, lemon, lime, or strawberries, or something in your water to flavor it???? It works in water, and is a lot cheaper.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Hot Tea with a little honey.

    Sparkling Mineral waters- Watch out for the brand, some have a lot of sodium in them

    Just plain water ( with or without lemon slices)

    Soda's, diet or non, are not really that great for your body. There is a reason that Coke can be used to clean your car battery.

    Good Luck.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I personally love soda water, either plain or with a little lime, lemon and/or orange slices. You could also get the pouches of flavorings for water that are made by Special K and Crystal Light - those are pretty good too and if you don't like plain water, it makes it a lot easier to get in your daily allotment of water.
  • kaytbognar
    Drink water. Calorie free and hey, it's pretty much what you're made of.

    Think it's boring? Wedge of lemon, half a lime, slice of cucumber, herbal tea bag.
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    Drink unsweet tea! Or tea with splenda if you like artificial sweetners. Calorie-wise, sodas are worse than coffee if you aren't adding a bunch of sugar and cream to your coffee, but coffee is just really bad for you. It is especially bad for your skin, kidneys, and teeth. I try to limit myself to only a few cups of coffee/cokes a week.

    If you're looking for caffiene, I would go with tea. If you are looking for flavor, I would get packets of lemonade/tea/other flavors that you can add to your bottle of water. They are very good and very few in calories.
  • asv3544
    We get the Poland Spring Sparkling Waters (Orange, Lime and Original Flavors) at my work. I've tried those, but i always go back to getting a Coke!!

    My morning coffee is usually black with 1-2 Sweet n' Lows. Once in a while I put a little cream in it.

    Luckily, cost is not an issue.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I went cold turkey on soda, and honestly don't miss it. I drink water now, and bought some crystal light single serves yesterday. You have to watch the stuff you can add to water, though, a lot of them have SODIUM! *gasp*
    Isn't the entire point of drinking water to flush OUT sodium? Why are companies putting sodium into us?!\

    So I would definitely recommend switching to water (or even juice)
  • Ashia1317
    Walmart has their generic drink mixes that are just like Crystal Light. Zero calories, sugar free, and have more of a variety depending on the store than Crystal Light. And they're cheaper. :) I'm a huge McD's Sweet Tea fan, but the sugar is WAY out of control. So I try to brew my own with one or two packets of Equal.
  • curliegirl
    If you like tea--try that with Stevia. It is a natural sweetener that doesn't have calories. I bought a bottle at Hyvee for under $10 and it is going to last a while. Only a couple of drops per cup to sweeten my cupa brew in the morning.

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I can't remember the last time I had pop. It has been well over 6 months I'm sure. I drink hot water with lemon inthe morning, water all day and a couple of herbal teas during the day
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Calorie-wise, sodas are worse than coffee if you aren't adding a bunch of sugar and cream to your coffee, but coffee is just really bad for you.

    I read a Oxygen magazine a lot and they say coffee is really, really good for you. Has almost as many anti-oxidants as tea- it just has a bad rep. It's the caffiene that's bad for you, or the other added stuff like sugar and cream.

    Black decaf cofee is actually one of the better things a person can drink....
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Crystal Light has practically weaned me off of soda completely. I use the lemon one, orange one, and the strawberry energy one is my favorite. I had them at work becaues sodas were free and I was always standing there and stairing at them, debating. Also if you like fizzyness, try spring water, like Perrier water. yum yum. I love that burn you get from the carbonation. I've cut all soda from my diet, and I dont even really miss it that much.