What To Do When Nothing Fills You Anymore?

When I first started to lose weight I was amazed at how full I felt eating high protein foods (like egg white omelettes with spinach) and drinking at least 2L of water a day.

After losing 20kgs and then bingeing for a few months, I came back and am just SO hungry! I don't know how to cook very many healthy meals so I just end up hungry and frustrated and eat anything I can get my hands on.

Any tips for feeling full bar water & protein?!


  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    How many calories a day are you aiming for?
  • 1450 & I eat back exercise cals (I use a HRM).
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    According to your diary (or at least the last 7 days) you either don't eat at all or don't track your food, start with logging every day and go from there.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Can't really tell as you either don't fill your diary in or you're eating nothing in which case that's why you're hungry!
  • No the last few weeks I have been bingeing and when I binge, I can't log what I eat because I don't know or it would depress me far too much to see myself being 3000cals over everyday.
  • I'm asking for a general list of foods or methods that help you feel full that doesn't include working out (I have limited windows where I can workout and I do workout in them - but doesn't help if I'm 2 steps away from chocolate), chicken, egg whites or water. :)
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    At the start of August when you were logging you were leaving at least 400-500 cals a day, you need to eat proper meals, cut down on the junk and eat your calories and you'll be fine.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    At the start of August when you were logging you were leaving at least 400-500 cals a day, you need to eat proper meals, cut down on the junk and eat your calories and you'll be fine.

    This^ If you're eating good meals you wont feel the need to binge. I like scrambled eggs and salmon or bacon for breakfast, lunch is chicken/tuna salad with avocado and sometimes sweet potato or butternet squash, and dinner is something like homemade burgers, or chicken, or steak, with more sweet potato, or a vegetable stew. Snack on nuts and dried fruit, almond butter, and I have protein shakes.

    To be honest, I don't think its going to be about finding filling enough food, you need to break the emotional tie to bingeing aswell :)
  • Maybe you could plan your meals a little, so before you go shopping think what you'll have for dinner and tea that coming week and make a shopping list. If your stuck for inspiration look on-line for healthy meal ideas, and if your short of time/don't like cooking make things in batches and freeze in single portions. I like vegetable risotto which is like 30% risotto to 70% veg like carrots celery peas and leeks. Its easy to make and takes like 30 mins and keeps me full :D vegetable noodles is even easier, dry fry some onion with some carrot, add your desired spices and stock (veg or chicken), add noodles and other veg such as peas, sweetcorn peppers and mushrooms. Then boil till the noodles are done :D you could also add chicken, tofu or turkey for protein which is filling.

    I also weight out what im eating so i know it isn't too little or too much and finally add loads of veg to everything! it fills me right up!
  • Also some people on here take protein shakes or protein powder that could help keep you feel full, but i haven't tried it so i don't really know. And one more thing i snack on pop corn with low cal sweeter, you can have quite a bit for not many calories as long as you don't cook it in oil or butter and don't add loads of sugar or caramel. I use a pop corn machine which used hot air to pop it.
  • Christieson
    Christieson Posts: 36 Member
    Oatmeal is a great breakfast to fill you up.

    Refer here for great, healthy and filling meals... www.eatingwell.com
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Any chance you were eating the same foods day in, day out because they were 'working for you'? I find that when I find foods or a food plan that works for me, I will stick to it for too long, end up bored with the foods I'm eating, I'll stop feeling as satisfied and start craving other things (might explain the binge cycle you've gotten into?).

    Make sure to shake things up occasionally to stop it becoming boring.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Changing what you're eating is key. Think of it this way, you can eat a chicken breast, a whole can of green beans and a small salad for about the same amount of calories as a single supreme taco from taco bell (200 calories). I bulk every meal with as much green vegetables as I can stand because they are the most bang for your calorie buck.