Feeling Unwell....are my calories too low?



  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    You could be lacking in B vitamins which can help with tiredness. Namely B6 and B12 are usual culprits for me, especially at a certain time of the month.

    Feel better. x
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I agree that you're aiming for a rather low weight for your height and you might be better off weight training to change body composition.

    Few of us reach our University weights again - your body is still changing during those years, and although you could fit in the same size again, the same weight is often too low to aim for.

    As close to your goal as you are, you certainly shouldn't be aiming to lose more than 0.5lbs a week. Changing your settings should give you more calories. Check out the "Eat more to lose more" group for inspiration.

    As far as fatigue goes, check you aren't overtraining. Make sure you get one full rest day a week and mix up what you do.
  • tenaheff
    I find that when I diet, I also get very tired unless I take a multivitamin each day.
  • Annabel89
    Annabel89 Posts: 63 Member
    1. You are in the lower half of the healthy range for your height.
    2. Your BMR is about 1450.

    So, you do not NEED to lose weight, but it understandable and your choice if you WANT to. Everyone is always looking to improve themselves, it's human nature.
    However, with only a few vanity pounds to lose, and eating below your BMR, you are setting yourself up for failure. You should be set at "lose HALF a pound per week", and if you are set at sedentary, make sure you eat back ALL your exercise calories.

    As for exercise. Consider heavy strength training.
    The reason you are unhappy with your body as it is right now MAY NOT be because of ten pounds...it may be because of lack of muscle tone.

    Here's an example of why the "number on the scale" may not mean as much as you think it does.

    This is Staci, read her story here: She is 11 lbs heavier in the after pic because of added muscle...(131 to 142)

    If that is the type of results you are hoping for, forget about the number on the scale and start picking up heavy things. If the clothing size goes down, and the person in the mirror is hotter, then WHO GIVES A CRAP what some little number on a piece of plastic on the bathroom floor says!

    WOW. I guess what I'm looking for, as you said, is to lose 'vanity pounds'. As you said, there is no shame in wanting to improve ourselves. I know a lot of people would kill to have the BMI I do, but I'm really unhappy and I've had people make comments too about the weight I've gained/muscle I've lost in the last few years.

    I think you're right...it's more about my arms, thighs and muffin tops than my actual weight. There is only so much I can do about nature- I will always be bottom heavy..but maybe I need to get to the scary gym, eat more and lift heavy!

    No idea where to start, but I'll look into it- thankyou.
  • siren1974
    remember you are 5'9. 135 is model mode.. I would kill to be even 150 right now.. I think with your height, you should be between 135 to 170 at the highest and any lower than that you probably will feel bad. Your diary isn't open so can't tell you WHAT you are eating for your cals. Perhaps you just need to do some strength training to tone what you have. At our height,we will never be that petite little frame of 125 or whatever. Eat healthy nutrition and perhaps some vitamin supplements to give you a boost. Sounds like your body is saying FEED ME> Good luck!

    Thankyou for your reply. I've opened up my diary in case you wanted to look- I feel that I eat pretty well except this weekend when I was at my boyfriend's parents..who own a cake business and drink lots of wine...eeeeek! You're probably right that I don't need to lose all that much more, just tone it up...working from home all day doesn't make for tight arms :( Having said that, when I was at uni, I weighed around 130/135 and I was happy with my weight then.

    I used to have anaemia..so I'll take a trip to the shops today and get a multivitamin with iron and see if that helps.

    I've just been diagnosed as anaemic so it's quite possibly that as I had much the same symptoms.