Before and After: How's life treating you?

ImGoinDown Posts: 16
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
For those of you who have lost a good amount of weight (20+ pounds)

How has your life changed since you've lost weight?


  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    My life is a lot more fulfilling now. I have rediscovered the pleasures of walking , swimming and hiking. I use dto just make it through the day, now I love each day and enjoy new things.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    For those of you who have lost a good amount of weight (20+ pounds)

    How has your life changed since you've lost weight?

    Oh my gosh-- how hasn't it? I'm happier. More confident. More empowered since conquering my lifelong nemesis. Feel better. Look better. Proud of myself for running. More fun buying clothes.

    The list is endless.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    I have a lot more energy.

    I am no longer taking meds for high blood pressure, high trigycerides, and high blood glucose levels.

    I have a lot better disposition. I don't get frustrated or angry nearly as often.

    I have much healthier eyes (according to my opthalmologist)

    I have no more aches and pains

    I sleep better. I have no more sleep apnea.

    I have no more heartburn, and no more GERD.

    I even have (ahem) :blushing: more libido!

    I could go on forever. The best thing I ever did!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Shopping trips take less time (I'm not tired out and don't have to rest after going to a few stores in the mall or one side of Walmart)

    I can take stairs w/o getting winded.

    My blood panels were excellent (except for low rbcs)

    I have Won't Power - learned the power of saying no to myself and to others

    I handle stress and insults better

    My weight loss stemmed from changing my thought processes and coping mechanisms.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    So far I have lost 21 lbs. I have another 41 pounds to go to get to my goal weight. I feel much more confident and energetic. The energy is fantastic. I do sleep better at night and I have moved my coping skills from eating food / crying to running. I actually adore how I look - even though it's not all off yet, there are significant changes in my posture and the way everything looks. I have to keep looking at myself in the mirror. :tongue: It's a great confidence booster, that's for sure.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Physically, everything is easier now, and I mean EVERYTHING. Tying your shoes, walking up stairs, having sex, etc. it is all easeier when you lose the extra weight. I'm far from done, but I've noticed the difference.

    Emotionally, I'm a much happier, more confident person. My hubby pays me more compliments (he's explained that he does this to encourage me, not that he didn't think I was beautiful before :blushing:). I'm learning how to accept compliments, something I've never been good at. I'm more adventurous now and having a blast trying new things.
  • These are such great changes. I always find post like these so motivating to keep going.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I have a long way to go, but I have lost 35lbs... (19 lbs since my recommitment)...
    I feel so much better... Not only emotionally, but physically! There are so many perks to taking the weight off... HEALTH, of course, being number one on the list!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wow, wierd, conflicted.

    Pros: I am very healthy and very well. I feel like a million bux. I can do things I haven't been able to do since,,, well, ever. I have never seen stuff in the mirror like I'm seeing nowadays, and that feels good. Also - with more health, more strength, I have less to prove. I find that I'm kinder, more tolerant. I don't get into pecker-measuring BS so much these days 'cause I just feel better about myself and I'm more confident.

    Cons: My wife has health problems that prevent her from having the success I've had. I've been able to just progress-progress-progress, but for her it's often one step forward and two steps back. Often when she exercises her stuff flares up and knocks her down, so she has to be very careful. She's doing fantastic under difficult circumstances, and she's lost almost 50 pounds,,, but she's not where she wants to be.

    Me exercising in front of her is like eating ice cream in front of the lactose intolerant. This has created a lot of strain in our relationship - and I know that she hates me a little sometimes, and who can blame her. We're doing Ok, and we're gonna be Ok, but it's something we struggle with.
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