jillian michael body revolution

hey,i m doing JMBR......anyone else on here following the same prg??????? share ure views,results etc:)
i m on third n last phase wrkout 9 n 10.havent lost big on scales but lost lots of inches n have gain strenght:) i cudnt perform a knee dwn pushup in the beginning n cudnt hold a plank more than few seconds but now,can do lots of pushup repititions n cud hold a plank properly.......planning to restart the prg with bigger wts n plyos next time.......:smile::smile:


  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    So do really like it,cuz i'm sure if i want or P90X i'm going towards P90X,but just want to know if it's worth buying.
  • dunyea1
    dunyea1 Posts: 5 Member
    i m totally in love with it,n ya its a definitely a gud buy to get fit n lean n stronger......i m planning to go 4 p90x after finishing jmbr twice,what r u doing now a daz?which wrkout plan u r following?