hiya everyone im kendra, looking for friends

hiya, im kendra im from middlesbrough, but now live in leed's, i put 3 1/2 stone on 3 year ago, after a few months of anti-depressant's. ive lost weight and regained it a few times in the last 2 years, but im now trying my hardest to stick to this, ive never looked in the mirror at myself for a very long time, obv ill do my hair ect but im looking at my hair not myself, i used to be very happy with my reflection, id like to get back like that, so if anyone would like to add me as a friend so i can share other people's sucess and idea's of food etc, that would be great, im doing tae bo as my workout, which is great because it burn's upto 600/800 cals per hour, and i do billy blank's tae bo, so he takes you through a warm up, the work out then cool down, and i love it, its very hard at 1st, but i done it at my pace, stopped when i needed to, but i can steady away at it now, i love to do it, and because im doing tae bo, i drink about 4 pints of water, which will also be helpfull, if anyone has any meal plans etc id love to hear from you. i find the food ive been eating is high cal's but not filling, hope you's all have a great day!!!!


  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey. I joined in January and found this site a very good way to lose weight. By simply by logging your food intake and exercise completed and ensuring your calorie intake is less than your goal you will be successful.

    Good luck and feel free to add me