No more Yo-Yo

Hello everyone,
My name is Kat, and i'm 25. Since I was 17 my weight has been a major yo-yo jumping between a difference of 70lbs. My highest weight was 242 lbs when I was 17, and that was when I had enough. I joined my school rugby team and started a eating disorder. Dropping down to 167 lbs pretty fast. After 4 years of rugby I started to slowly gain back some weight hitting 185 lbs. Met a wonderful guy but I stayed at that weight for a couple of years still exercising on a regular basis but got rid of the eating disorder that I still struggle with but he let me see I better then that. Then 2 years ago my life completely changed when my father suddenly passed away. He had cancer for years and never told anyone, even when the doctors gave him 6 months to live. A month before he died he decided to fight but it was too late. I basically gave up on my health after that. My love for cooking vanished, and I turned to takeout and just bad food in general. I would be driving home from work and stop at a fast food place and order way too much food and stuff myself on the way home, and put the wrapers in the garbage before anyone would see them. I even stopped walking my dog on a daily basis. My weight reaching back up to 220lbs which I am currently at. This month it will be two years since he passed and even though it affects me everyday I am choosing to get back on track and making it stick this time. I have the great support of my boyfriend, who will be my husband this time next year and the hope for a better future. He has stuck beside me through so much and he deserves the happy healthy me just as much as I deserve to be a happy healthy me. Also getting 2 puppies to foster for a few months very soon. Will have to get inshape for them aswell. So yeah, that's my story in a nut shell. End rant.


  • sneakysneaker
    sneakysneaker Posts: 16 Member

    I don't usually post here but your story really touched me. I just wanted to say congratulations on starting (it really is half the battle). This app has been a fantastic tool and has helped me see food as nutrition for my body rather than just calories. I wish you all the best in your journey to wellness.

  • Thank you=)) I don't usually post my life on msg boards but I figured this could be a type of therapy for my innerself since that is half of losing weight. The half I never really worked on before.
  • tardmagnet
    tardmagnet Posts: 15 Member
    Huge props to you. An amazing story, and to now come here and be ready & willing to do something about your lifestyle is fantastic. This place is great for inspiring stories & help. Welcome :)
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    Awesome!! I decided no more yo-yo too! I have lost 26 lbs so far, training for a marathon, and keeping the weight OFF. You can do this, it just takes dedication and hard work. My support has come from people on this community, better than others Iknow who decide it's better to chastise people for posting their workouts :). Here's a link if you're interested:

    Good luck and enjoy your successes!!
  • mercymarque
    Thanks for sharing. You can do this. Drink plenty of water, get enough rest, move around (walk ur dogs, get some videos, join a gym if you can, get a buddy to do it with you). Getting ready for a wedding is motivation in itself. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Cancer is hard. I haven't lost a parent but I have lost grandparents to the disease. I wish your father could have told you sooner. It must have been tough for him too to go through that alone.

    I am so happy to hear that you have a supportive partner, that is important. You have the keys to a healthy weight loss. Use mfp calorie tracker.. Eat ur calories without going over. If you exercise they provide you with more, only eat back what you need if you feel hungry. Good luck on this journey and up dates us on your progress.
  • Thank you so much. I already feel like I have alot of support in such a short time of joining this site.
  • sneakysneaker
    sneakysneaker Posts: 16 Member
    One more thing, once I started getting more active I found a heart monitor that measures calorie burn really useful. I had been hungry at the end of the day but discovered it was because my self-estimates for exercise were about only half of what I had actually burned. Also great for getting into your target zone and not overdoing it. Keep us posted!