Not quite new

I used mfp for a while before, and then got lax with it. I've been using it for about a week now (and eating better for about week before that) and have lost a total of 22 lbs. I haven't killed myself with a 500 calorie limit or anything... I'm just large enough the weight is falling off.

I started working out Monday, and so far I've walked about 5 miles. Nothing stellar, but I feel it is a pretty good start for me.


  • In the beginning it always the weight always seem to fall off so fast, I love that! Try not to over do it, you don't want to rebel against your diet to often.
    Anyway, congratulations are your weight loss! Wishing you luck:)
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Well done pal. I always say do it how you feel, if the weights comimg off then thats, fine, read my blog, I feel I have the most unconvetional diet ever, but I am losing weight and getting fitter too.


    A diet is a life stlye not a life sentence, so don't punish yourself.
  • etajr
    etajr Posts: 49
    Keep it up..... Every day is a new day and if needed a new start. I always tell my patients that we have to view this journey as a lifestyle change and not a 'diet'...I have them visualize that they want to try to make a permanent change in the way they think. I give them the example of: OK today I am amputating your right leg at the knee. It is now gone, you will never walk the same again. Time to think of new ways to get around. It really helps them with the "change" part of their lifestyle. Because it puts you into the mindset that you cannnot go back.. good luck!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    That so important first step has been taken, you just have to follow that first step with another and another. Many of us have lost and gained a ton of weight some of us for many years. This is my last lifestyle change I will adjust it to work for me but I will never, never go back to my old eating habits. I've done that too many times and it doesn't work. Keep at it feel free to add me as a friend and do your best every day.
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    Well, between my first post and now, I headed out on a walk with my niece (babysitting this morning). Her stroller really sucks, and she got bored very fast, but I still got in 6/10ths of a mile.

    I wouldn't say that I am particularly on "diet" so to speak, just paying attention to intake, and making sure I output more energy. I haven't been eating all kinds of crap, but I don't get down on myself over a piece of candy or a beer.

    I've honestly not been craving sweets or anything (I'm not much of a sweets person... I prefer food.. cheese meat potatoes etc.) but the slow change from mostly meat (fatty) and potatoes to fewer refined carbs and NO sugar syrup drinks.
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    I could only walk 7/10ths of a mile my first time out, and I wasn't pushing a stroller. I was amazed how quickly I picked up distance and speed. I am nowhere near where I plan to be. It is a slow journey. I'm trying not to get down about things. There are so many cliche things I could say and have had said to me, but they really are true. Keep watching what you eat and be mindful of what goes into your body. Move a little more each day. You will choose healthier things to eat as you progress.
    Best of luck!
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    I set a goal to walk at least a mile a day for a month, and I am trying to work up the attitude to get out again now. It's 102 and humid, so I'm also drinking quite a bit of water before I get to the point where I am ready to go. I may walk 1.4 this next little bit (that would put me at ttwo for the day.) then head out later this evening for another mile or so.