Discouraged after first 5K

Saturday I participated in my first 5K. I had to walk the majority of it as it was a very, very tough course. In fact, a man that has been running since 2001 said it is one of the hardest courses he's ever ran.

I'm feeling discouraged because I couldn't run more and because I was so stiff and sore afterward. I tried to do my normal routine last night and wasn't able to run much at all. I just feel like a failure because I can't run like I did before. I have a nagging pain in my hip/groin and even though I try to run through the pain, I'm afraid of doing major damage. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.


  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.

    Wanna know how many 5k's I've run? 0.

    You're a contender. I'm not. That's something isn't it?

    I can run for maybe 3-4 minutes, sometimes 5. Not a mile, and certainly not 5. Sometimes I get a stitch.

    Just keep trying, even by being there you're doing better than a lot of other people. And even if you're walking, you're still burning calories that will take you further toward your weightloss goal.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    you did it! regardless of time or amount of time running...you completed it! be proud of that. I think it is awesome.

    A friend of mine and I did a 5k mud run obstacle course a few weeks back. we had three goals.
    1. to complete it and not be taken away on a stretcher
    2. to not be the last ones coming over the finish line
    3. to hopefully do it in between and hour and a hour and a half.

    we succeeded at all of those and far surpassed our own expectations. but we set them a bit low. IMO, unless you have completed 5K's in better time or feeling better in the recent past, you need to give yourself props for doing it at all. Now you can plan another one and work on being in better shape and making a better time. Congrats!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    You entered a 5K! thats huge. Think of it this way, would you have done this a year ago? Look how far you have come! Failure isnt falling down or stopping to walk. Failure is not starting or not getting back up. Keep going and be proud. You are a champion for taking control of your health.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    You crossed the finish line that is a huge accomplishment.

    You didn't mention how long you had been training for your race or if you have been following a running program.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, not all runs are great.

    As for your pain, are you stretching enough before and after each run. Do your shoes need to be replaced?

    If this was your first race, learn from it and find ways that you can improve your running.

    All the best.

  • Corian3105
    Congratulations on taking part in your first 5K race! I have been getting used to running for the past few months, with the odd bit of walking here and there (mostly when I encounter big hills!!), and I'm way too chicken to even dream of entering a real 5K with other people! The fact that you completed it is a real achievement, especially as it was such a hard course (as confirmed about one of your comrades). How easy would it have been for you to bottle it and decide that you were going to drop out?

    As for now, if you're still feeling tired after your race then take things easy for a few days. Make sure you're eating and resting well and be kind to yourself during your routine run if it's causing you pain - there's no harm is slowing things down a little so that you don't hurt yourself. I'm sure you'll be back to normal in no time, and looking forward to the next race that you can enter.

    Well done again!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    so you competed in and finished your very first 5k you say. well then: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! you should be proud of yourself for finishing a 5k. who cares if you walked it you did it and that's what matters. you should be very proud of yourself. you said some guy competing said it was a difficult course for him (a guy who's been running since 2001) well then look at this way. not only did you compete and finish your first 5k but you competed in and finished a difficult 5k! in my book that's a win! WOO HOO!
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    You entered & you completed it!! That right there is great all by itself. You did it, your first 5K and you did the whole thing. Who cares if you weren't first or didn't run the whole thing. My husband and I were a team and did a 5K in August and we came in 61st place, I was so happy!! Enter another 5K and try to beat your personal time. Make it a YOU goal and don't worry about how much you run or anything like that.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Congrats!! That's still an accomplishment, and a good one at that!! My wife decided to take up running early this year. She decided to do her first 5K just a couple weeks after looking into it.. She did it. She decided to try and run a half marathon only 3 months later. She did it. Me? I'm rooting her on from the sidelines. I'm not a runner. I'm doing cardio with her and my own thing at other times, but I leave the running to her. You are out there giving it a shot and I salute you for doing it!! The aches and pains are just your body getting used to it.. Keep your Doc informed and let them look you over every once in awhile to make sure you are doing any lasting damage and then, stay out there kicking butt!! Congrats on your first 5K!!
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Congratulations Runner!

    Congratulations Racer!

    You are both of those things. One of the wonderful things about the sport of road racing is almost all of us are competing against ourselves. You have set a benchmark to go after in the future. You shouldn't feel discouraged. If you decide to keep racing, you're just at the start of a lot of success.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Take a few days off, train for the next one, and do better next time. Don't beat yourself up over it. =)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You signed up, showed up, and finished! You completed a 5k!

    You're my hero. Busted knee willing, I will also be doing a 5k sometime in the future...

    Super proud of you for going out there and owning it. Like a boss. :D
  • Devona14
    Thank you guys. I knew I could count on MFP people to help me get rid of my stinkin' thinkin'. I guess I am being too hard on myself. I've only been running since the end of March. I know I can do this. But, it helps having a cheering section here. :happy: I'll take all the advice and go on from here.