Aren't some strength exercises technically cardio too?



  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    thank you all for this info. It really clears up what I should have been logging in the 1st place. it's circuit training not strength training. will change my log for today's workout now.

    Tabby.....Ive been making the same mistake for a couple weeks now. I too had to change my log to show the difference.

    Im soooo glad that those who know more arent afraid to answer questions for some of us rookies.
  • ashlielinn
    I tried a crossfit gym last week and had to do a round of 5 burpees, 10 push ups, and 15 squats as many times as I could in 20 mins. I got through 9 rounds, and let me tell you - I was sweating more and breathing heavier than I ever have on a 6 mile run!!!

    Of course, it's cardio, too! Problem is the calories burned are hard to count, since you actually continue to burn calories after you do the exercise.
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    thank you all for this info. It really clears up what I should have been logging in the 1st place. it's circuit training not strength training. will change my log for today's workout now.

    Tabby.....Ive been making the same mistake for a couple weeks now. I too had to change my log to show the difference.

    Im soooo glad that those who know more arent afraid to answer questions for some of us rookies.
    you`re more than welcome. its a common misconception so you learn to expect it. For further reading if you`re not too afraid of human bio read up on the bodies different energy systems and muscle fiber types. you kinda get an understanding of how the body works and how this all fits together. in a nutshell, the body is specialized depending on the intensity of work you ask it to do. the muscles and energy system powering me to walk is actually different than the muscles and energy system powering me to sprint. same principle as how say bodyweight squats for 5min can be mistaken for strength training. you can get `stronger` without doing `strength training`.

    to note however, i`m not saying circuits are bad by any means. for any beginner strength training is important, but as a beginner you`re not able to get the true benefit of being able to push yourself at high intensity, you`re just not trained enough. till you are, circuits and intense cardio are amazing way to burn calories and challenge yourself. And as I alluded to before, any proper general health exercise template should have a little of everything that targets all energy systems, muscle fibers and movements.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    you`re more than welcome. its a common misconception so you learn to expect it. For further reading if you`re not too afraid of human bio read up on the bodies different energy systems and muscle fiber types. you kinda get an understanding of how the body works and how this all fits together. in a nutshell, the body is specialized depending on the intensity of work you ask it to do. the muscles and energy system powering me to walk is actually different than the muscles and energy system powering me to sprint. same principle as how say bodyweight squats for 5min can be mistaken for strength training. you can get `stronger` without doing `strength training`.

    to note however, i`m not saying circuits are bad by any means. for any beginner strength training is important, but as a beginner you`re not able to get the true benefit of being able to push yourself at high intensity, you`re just not trained enough. till you are, circuits and intense cardio are amazing way to burn calories and challenge yourself. And as I alluded to before, any proper general health exercise template should have a little of everything that targets all energy systems, muscle fibers and movements.


    THIS tells me a lot......more than Ive gleaned from reading elsewhere....I cant "push" I dont have it yet...........maybe never will. As Ive said before somewhere here, I have major joint issues, lots of titanium joints, pins, plates and screws. I also have a LOT of weight to get rid of. Im earnest in doing everything I can now to get rid of the weight and learn learn learn how to better care for this body. I love the idea of using dumbbells (please dont laugh at me, Im trying)and Im determined to give it all I got. I dont fear the pain of pushing myself anymore. I do have some breathing issues which is what slapped me side the head to get me convinced to lose weight and exercise (I prefer the term workout LOL)

    Its hard to hear (read) all the things "you guys" do and how intense it is and I find myself envious, wishing I could. But...Im not inclined to give up, I will do this even if it is a slow start with dumbbells.

    >>>>>>>>Your post is encouraging for us rookies. I thank you for your kindness in explaining things.
  • ROBJ3411
    ROBJ3411 Posts: 72 Member
    I tried a crossfit gym last week and had to do a round of 5 burpees, 10 push ups, and 15 squats as many times as I could in 20 mins. I got through 9 rounds, and let me tell you - I was sweating more and breathing heavier than I ever have on a 6 mile run!!!

    Of course, it's cardio, too! Problem is the calories burned are hard to count, since you actually continue to burn calories after you do the exercise.

    If you have a HRM, just leave it on for 10-15mins after you are done and that will help give you a more acurate calories burned.
    Really you can leave it on till your HR returns to a normal rate.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Options sir.....are my HERO!!!!!

    thank you for restoring my faith in people here
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I think this question really falls under how MFP classifies exercises. Strength training can be cardiovascular and circuit training is often the most associated type. I don't want to keep track of every movement I do when I do strength, I have a notebook for that. I do want to say "on such and such day, I did strength training". Under the cardio category on MFP, there is a strength training option. It is used to say "hey I burned some extra calories, I did strength training on this day".

    There is a difference but in the most non-technical way, I think using the strength training category is sufficient on MFP.