Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 13



  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Kelly, I hope everything is okay. I've heard that panic attacks can be very scarey. Just try to take one step at a time and focus on that step and not what comes after that. Keep us posted on how you're doing and what the doctor says.

    Yesterday I bought The Biggest Loser Boot Camp and did that after work. I burned almost as many calories doing that as I do my C25K! Bob kicked my tail!! Looks like I'll be doing it again tonight instead of hitting the gym. No one came to fix my oven last night so I'm really hoping that it gets fixed today. It has been over 2 weeks since I've had an oven. I'm getting a little frustrated.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Kelly you better write on here today and tell us all that you are ok, you have my worried about you!. I know that I have had panic attacks before and I know what they feel like for me, but I rarely have them. I do worrie about me having a heart attack though and that totally freaks me out....... Write to us and tell us that you are felling better and are ok!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey gang....

    decided to sleep on the couch last nite b/c of the way i was feeling, and dh woke me around 3ish freakin out cuz i wasnt in bed....and all symptoms pretty much i slept for a couple more hrs. woke then with NONE of the feelings i was having last nite. so am pretty sure it was anxiety. BUT, i did call Dr and could not get in til Thurs. and, i did have some things go on again today, but all kinda diff stuff....weird. thinkin i really need to keep with my exercise to benefit my mind.....

    guess what? me, my mom and sis are going to MOA to see the Bodies Exhibit and shop a little. leaving Sat am and come home Sun. Yay, ladies getaway! i wanted to see this back in the early Fall, but too many conflicts, so hope the weather holds out.

    did some wrapping today and having lunch with my mom tomorrow. has been months! will be careful and drink tons of water.

    Crystal ~ dang, no oven? that would be tough. hope it's fixed now! i have heard good reviews on all of the Biggest Loser workouts. good way to mix things up a bit! go you!:flowerforyou:

    10 more days for Santa and 17 til 2010! hard to believe '09 is near the end.....

    hope you guys are all doing you all :heart:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Doing very well. Still no exercise but sticking too calories. I have been so busy no time to post. But will try to check back later. :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Today is about more of the same. I'm still waiting at home after work praying that my landlord comes to fix my oven. It broke Nov, 29 and I'm more than a little annoyed by this point. I love to bake and after tonight I'll havve missed baking for 2 parties I was supposed to take desserts, too. Since I'm at home and not the gym, I guess I'll be doing my BL Boot Camp again. At least Bob makes it fun!!

    Kelly, glad you were feeling better this morning. Please keep us posted with what the Dr says tomorrow. Exciting that you get to have a girls' weekend. It has been a while since I have. I have one planned for Jan with the ladies I play Pokeno with!! I'm excited.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Pssst remember me? I am on my 3rd day of logging and exercising again. We moved! That was hell, but living in a way safer and nicer neighborhood and we got a 16 month old German Shepard from the shelter, so I walk with him cause he is crated 18 hours of the day (I know not nice but he goes in there on his own). Eating within my cals and stretching. I gained back all of the 22 lbs I lost and 5 more lbs. I am in pain, the weight came back in my tummy and my already humungus (Sp?) boobs. Now I can't find a bra that fits right or that fits comfortably and I am hurting in every darn joint.......MY BMI IS 42.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS ALMOST 50% FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So this is it, I cannot be this fat chick any damn more!

    So here I am again....smack me if you see me sneaking away again :noway:

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Glad to hear that you are ok kelly, and i hope that you give us an update on everything that you find out from the doc. Sissie! it is great to see you back again! I have missed you so:)
    Crystal Im sorr to hear about the oven:( that is a totaly bummer, but a good way to keep the yummies out of your house too LOL
    Hope that everyone have a great thursday, I need to go get some coffee poured down my throat now so that i can function for the rest of the day ;)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi all....

    well, anxiety it was. gosh, i just wish someone i knew could experience this crap! i told my mom, my sis, my dh and none of them seemed too concerned. now, if i check the web for what i experience, it is screaming heart attack, as i told all of you. anyways, my Dr did an EKG just to calm my nerves and she also could compare it to one she has from 3 yrs ago. SO, NO CHANGES! i am just a ball o nerves i guess. she did give me a script for Xanax, so looks like I will be sleeping better anyway...and, she agreed with what i KNOW, get moving my rear! Duh, Kelly. i have not had this for a few yrs, so yeah, it was scary. and i do have heart problems in the family, so I am probably just too worried about it and then with my panic attacks i just scare myself even MORE! now, gotta get them pills!

    SASSIE girl! always so good to hear from you! MISS YOU! glad you are logging the food and stretching! take your time, don't change too much at once. small steps here. luv ya sweets :heart:

    hope the rest of SHGP's are doing good. very busy time of yr and soon it will be over. take time for ** YOU ** gals, every day if you can, try to aim for those 30 minutes....otherwise you will be a freak like me! :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    Hey all, Wow so busy at work and difficult times with DH. Kelly anxiety can also be brought on by change in hormones. I suffered from anxiety attacks after I had my children. they were the worst. Many times I went to the hospital because I thought I was gonna die. Once I learned to let the atttack just happen I soon was able to get more control over them. Now my DH has suffered from them, but she is learning that if she comes to me I will help her thru them. Exercise really does help with them but other things also help. I found if I dont intake to much suger or caffeiene I do better. The other thing that really helps me, which I really cant afford so much any more but I would get a 30 min massage every 2 weeks, this really destressed me alot. Well I hope this gave ya some ideas to work with.
    Sassieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Miss ya girlie!! Welcome back
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Jacque ~ thanks for all your helps knowing others have gone thru this. mine started back in '98 when i had a student on my bus that our school officials would do nothing about. he was chewing tobacco, cussing at me, etc. i ended up in the hospital twice b/c of it....was put on b/p meds and then my depression escalated, worse than it ever had been. i had counseling for over 3 yrs, basically til the kid was out of high school. it was pretty bad for me for quite a while. i found an awesome therapist and just like that, i was off b/p meds. she really helped me learn how to change my thought process, and life became easier to deal with, and the biggest thing is i was so much calmer. my support and understanding from family lacks greatly tho. it means alot to me when someone wants to understand mental illnesses, but my family has no interest, and that is ok, i cannot change them. i resolve to get into my routine of regular exercise, and try harder at making it a priority, i know it will truly help me focus more and keep my mind clear and less stressed. i long for a good nites sleep again! and i am seriously considering a weekly or bi-weeekly massage! i have so many knots in the shoulder blade area of my back, both is not funny. feels like marbles rolling around in there. thanks again! :flowerforyou: