What's your favorite 30Day Shred Level?

Mine is Level 3. For some reason I always find Level 2 is hard to get through (maybe because I hate lunges), but then when I get to Level 3, I feel re-energized and excited to push through to the end.


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Any level but 2 lol I always seem to get to into it and mess with my wrist then have to stop since I can't even hold the little weights with it lol
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 68 Member
    I love level 2, then level 1, and then level 3. I never really liked 3.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 390 Member
    A FAVORITE LOL i dnt have one lol im currently on day 17 level 2.. I hate level 2 lol level wasn't bad ill see what level 3 is like then ill get back to you
  • I can honestly say I have never done level 3! So, I'll stick with 1 and 2. BTW, speaking of the 30 day shred, about how many calories are we burning during this video? Anyone? Medium to high intensity... Anyone? THX!
  • dlbinin
    dlbinin Posts: 66 Member
    Level 3 is my favorite, Level 2 is the one I dislike the most.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I like level 1 because it goes by fast

    Level 2 because I feel it kicks my butt

    and Level 3 because that means I'm close to the end.

    haha hard to pick just one, but possibly level 1.
  • MrsKillough
    MrsKillough Posts: 30 Member
    I'm getting scabby elbows from Level 3, so not loving it!