Do you track when you gain?



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Yes. I weight every morning, and record that morning's weight daily. I like looking at the line chart that MFP produces to watch my progress, and I can see what I'm doing that is producing results by the exact date.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    I try to log my weight at least once a week and I log it no matter what up or down... it helps keep me in check!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Over the last month or so, I've gained 5lbs! :sad: But it is what it is; no need to put myself down about the whole thing, because I knew what I was doing! Nonetheless I do track my weight gain because it doesn't make sense to lie to yourself about it! You know the numbers are wrong on your tracker, so just put in your weight gain and do what needs to be done to correct it!
  • cassiegal724
    cassiegal724 Posts: 63 Member
    I record every week (unless I'm on vacation and no scale is accessible). If I gain, I look back and think about what I could have done differently. Most of the time, gains are expected (ie. it was christmas and I had 10 too many desserts), but sometimes they are just due to water or sodium.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I like to keep everything honest no matter what. I have actually gained weight. I got to very low body fat and now I'm still low body fat but higher than I was. It's hard to wrap my mind around that it is OKAY! LOL

    IT does not matter, it is what it is and we all fluctuate. The truth is BEST!
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    If it stays up for more than a week or 2 then yes I log it. I give myself a chance to get back down there again first. If I can't get down to my low after awhile, I go ahead and log the higher weight and keep on going.

    Likewise, the weight has to be there for a couple weeks first, altho I've only been on MFP for a month - my water weight fluctuates for 10 days or so around that time
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    i log any weight changes i see whether its up or down.
  • dedrake
    dedrake Posts: 8 Member
    I'm still kind of new to this, but I would definitely track both losses, as well as gains. This will keep your statistics accurate. Anything else is pretty much, lying by omission; and the worse person to lie to, is your self.

    It seems to me, the only emphasis is to be consistent. I make sure that I only weigh in once a week, at around the same time of the day. This rules out, water changes etc.

    Just my two cents :)
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    Yes, I do. I've been gaining and losing the same 3 pounds since the end of June...but I enter my weight each week no matter if it's up or down.
  • SickSkilz
    To be perfectly honest, I do not. I gain about .5-1.0 pound every weekend. Then I lose 1-3 during the week. I only record a new weight when i hit it for more than 2 days.
  • Stuz359
    No I don't. People say you should not weigh everyday but I think it's almost an education in itself.

    For example, two days ago I weighed in and I was down about 1.6lbs for the week total. Yesterday, I apparently put on 2lbs. Today I lost 2lbs.

    Fluctuations in weight caused by water and high sodium mean that it's impossible to get a truly accurate picture of your weight loss. But as long as the overall trend is downward, I am happy.
  • mama78loosinWeight
    I chart a gain if it stays on me a week or till weigh in. I am a scale addict! I know I am. I weigh myself every morning out of habit and some good old self encouragement. I take my daily weigh in's with a grain of salt, because I know...water weight, salt intake, TOM, there are SO many variables that cause you to gain 2-5lbs in a day. So the way I handle it is by continuing to weigh every day but to only chart once a week. This also helps me adjust my diet through the week. If I see I am retaining water weight I adjust my diet to lower my sodium and those water pounds come off. However, in general no matter what the number, up or down- chart the weight at my weigh in 1 time a week. The only time I don't put in an entry is if I don't have a weight change.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I weigh myself regularly (maybe three times per week). While I am mindful of the times the needle creeps up (up to 6 pounds for TOM!), I only log the losses. For me, I'm using MFP to track my diet, my exercise, and my weight LOSS. Not interested in tracking my weight fluctuations, since the number consistently lowers and the intermittent spikes, while interesting, are fleeting. Logging them would be depressing and counter productive for me. I'm one of those people who's crazy sensitive to sodium, so a trip to the vietnamese pho restaurant, while calorically prudent, can result in a 3-pound water gain. I'd be a mess if I took that kind of gain seriously, so I don't even dignify it with a notation in my log! :laugh:
  • tichondrius
    tichondrius Posts: 16 Member
    I usually refrain from logging it because it's usually less than 2lbs and it's never gonna be permanent when it happens. I keep a separate log for my weigh-ins so that I'm watching how I've really progressed, though.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Jesus, I can actually say I wasn't expecting that.

    But it does make sense, & this isn't water weight unfortunatly, i've eaten way too much and been stupid with what i've been eating. Could call it a awful few weeks. But I'm back from it and lucky it was only 2lb really.

    I will log it now!

    Thanks for all the replies & honesty. I understand both sides of the story!