Cheat day or cheat meal?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I took one weekend day off a month to not log, which turned into both weekends, and any holidays, after I reached my initial goal weight.

    It wasn't about cheating, binging, eating everything in sight... it was to have a day of just eating normally without obsessing over calories, macros, protein, sodium, carbs, yadda yadda yadda. It was, if I wanted some pretzels or potato chips, to just grab a handful, put them on a plate and eat them, without counting out an exact portion. It's having a piece of birthday cake at my great niece's first birthday party this weekend, without wondering how many calories are in it, or how long I have to run to burn it off.

    And even being "totally unaccountable" on weekends, I still maintain if I'm set to maintain, and lose if I'm set to lose. I'm currently about 100-150 calories below maintenance, just as a buffer against any splurges that might occur on the weekend because there's a lot more of them in the summer, and lose the .25 - .3 pounds a week that it predicts.

    A longer take on it:
  • pebbleygood
    I don't have a cheat day or a cheat meal. Occasionally there is something I want to eat that's not the healthiest. I cut the serving in half or more and load up on more veggies. This way I don't feel deprived. I work it into my daily calories, and still stay within a few calories of my 1200.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I've done both treat day and treat meal but in all honesty I think for me it's better to fit smthng in my macros that day, smthng I really want because I feel I'm more in control this way than the other.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I usually just do a cheat meal with my parents once a week when I visit. Otherwise, everything is logged. I really only do the cheat meal because it's a headache for everyone if I don't. It's not like I'm missing out on anything - I just eat less of the stuff I like. :-)
  • leanby2013
    I used to eat super clean and low cal all week, not even bread, then on saturdays eat whatever i wanted and i just got out of hand. I found myself looking at pictures of food during the week and planning what i was going to have on the saturday so i stopped cause i felt that i could end up with a ED if i carried on. So now what i do is make sure i get my protein in, then whatever after that aslong as it fits into my cals. I do eat clean most of the time but if i feel like a snickers and it fits in, then i will have one lol :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I do the old Weight Watchers program and I can save up activity (exercise) and weekly points and have a treat or two a week. I weigh in on Sunday mornings and reset my points on Monday, so I have my planned treats on Sunday afternoon or evening so the sodium doesn't affect my weigh-in.

    I think I'm going to stop, though, because I've been feeling sick after. lol Too much fat in one sitting when you're not used to it.
  • Scott277
    I can't do cheat meals. It messes my weight up, and I don't find it worth it.

    HAHA no it doesnt. Its actually proven to boost your metabolsim resulting in better long term results.

    I only have one cheat meal, although I save it for when im hungover normally or I just cant be bothered (saturday normally) so if im hunogver I tend to have a cheat breakfast and lunch then just go back to a healthy dinner.

    Over time you will develop the guilty feeling everytime you cheat haha. It just motivates me more now to push harder the next week!
  • Scott277
    I try not to have cheat meals. I might get myself a small treat every now and then, but I would much prefer finding recipes and foods that are both healthy, delicious, and fit into my calorie and macro goals.

    Thats fair enough, but tell me....will you do this? are you mentally strong enough? I dont think so, i takes months/years to get to that level of dedication.

    One little meal a week wont make you get fat. It will however reward you for all your hard work and releive you of any cravings therefore having a better knock on effect the rest of the week.
  • lizchristine
    lizchristine Posts: 42 Member
    I definitely plan for treats but I fit them into my daily calories. If I know I'm going out or have a big meal coming up, I'll try to get in an extra intense work out so my calorie budget is bigger. I've also come to the realization that I can have treats, but not all of them all at once. For example, I can have a light beer or two when I go out, but I can't have the tortilla chips and queso, and dessert, too. Or vice versa. If there is something you really want (fries, dessert, etc.), I say go for it, but plan ahead and fit it into your day/ week.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    I just had a cheat week and lost 3 pounds. :D
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    I used to eat super clean and low cal all week, not even bread, then on saturdays eat whatever i wanted and i just got out of hand. I found myself looking at pictures of food during the week and planning what i was going to have on the saturday so i stopped cause i felt that i could end up with a ED if i carried on. So now what i do is make sure i get my protein in, then whatever after that aslong as it fits into my cals. I do eat clean most of the time but if i feel like a snickers and it fits in, then i will have one lol :)

    Oh wow this is me! And my cheat day (Saturdays) would end up turning into entire cheat weekends. I would spend the day thinking about what I was going to eat. Then I would just go overboard & not log anything. So by the time Monday rolled around I would have no idea how many extra calories I had consumed. Geez, no wonder why I have been putting weight on the past couple months! I'm going to stick to one cheat meal & still make sure I log it so I don't go overboard like I used to.

    It's so interesting reading everyone's opinions & experiences with this!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I don't do "cheat" days or meals. If I want something, I have it. Usually in a smaller portion now than what I used to have. If it puts me over my calorie allotment, then I go for a walk or eat fewer calories the next day. If I know beforehand that I'm likely to go over on a particular day (birthday, anniversary, social gathering...) I planned for it by eating fewer calories on the days leading up. My days may look a bit sporadic in regards to calories but I'm always under for the week.