i was wondering if anybody else out there is afraid of cold weather and gaining weight. i have noticed that not only do i move around way less during the cold months, but i also eat more.

i can't really figure out if i eat more because i'm inside more often and therefore bored, or if i really experience an increase in my appetite. or, maybe, i have SAD.

also, i used to be bulimic for about two years, and it's been about a year since i've recovered. I'm terribly afraid of relapsing during the winter. does anybody have any advice or strategies that you use to keep yourself motivated during this wretched season?



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    There is no bad weather...just bad clothing.

    By some winter clothes and go outside, do something, anything just get out of the house. Then you'll appreciate warmer weather that much more.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    Hi. Yeah, I worry about it too, sometimes. Last year I did gain 20 pounds in 2-3 months. I fell off the wagon in so many ways. I also ended up going through thyroiditis.

    But, one day as I was sitting there in a messy kitchen... plates everywhere. I thought to myself, "I'm not going back there." I refuse. Because I have come so far already.

    I knew I had a lot of work to do... physically and mentally at that point. But, I pulled through.

    Now, like you, when it's cold outside and all I really want to do is curl up on the couch-- I just force myself to get up and move. I know that if I don't I will only be pulled further into that spiral. I always end up feeling so much better when I do just workout and stick with my plan.

    Sure, I've got bad days. (This week has NOT been good) But, I know this feeling doesn't have to be permanent. It's when I beat myself up about things that I start to fall apart.

    Everyday try getting some form of exercise in-- just for that "feel good" feeling. Maybe get some dvd's if you can't make it to the gym. :)

    P.S. If you are afraid of relapsing, you know the signs-- nip it before it starts again-- please. It gets harder every time you relapse. Hang in there.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am the same way. Usually thinner in the summer, heavier in the winter. Not this year!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Totally feel you. This is the true test for us with our new lifestyle. I have been doing it since June, and I just keep thinking that it would be so pointless for me to ruin everything that I have done so far just because I want those cheesy horrible carbs :laugh:

    I thought I had a little SAD last year but I didn't soothe myself with food, I used wine :ohwell: This year I am trying to keep active by going to the gym and trying to take a little time to stand in the sun even if it is freeeeezing cold outside. Just a few mins of sun on your cheeks can do wonders for SAD.

    Just remember your goals and don't give in. You are better than those stupid delicious foods. You want to fill your body with nutritious food and you want to keep it in there. Congrats on recovering from your illness. Do you have a support system that you can go to if you are feeling vulnerable? I can't imagine how hard it would be to beat an eating disorder, so I wish you all the best, and please look to others if you are feeling down. Friends/family are the best medicine! :)
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    i was wondering if anybody else out there is afraid of cold weather and gaining weight. i have noticed that not only do i move around way less during the cold months, but i also eat more.

    i can't really figure out if i eat more because i'm inside more often and therefore bored, or if i really experience an increase in my appetite. or, maybe, i have SAD.

    also, i used to be bulimic for about two years, and it's been about a year since i've recovered. I'm terribly afraid of relapsing during the winter. does anybody have any advice or strategies that you use to keep yourself motivated during this wretched season?

  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    HEllo, I used to bulimic for about 5 or 6 years the last year of it i would relapse and I got over it myself. I would eat everyting i saw just to help me get sick easier. Stay strong realize next time you want to that it not good for you. I used to have those urges but I stayed strong. When You feel that urge tell a friend that you need help to get through it and exercise through it. I know its hard. but you will make it. STay strong. Just think winter is a few month then it kind of lighten up. You can make it.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Hi there, I think everyone has a harder time in the winter. When it is nasty out and I don't want to go out to run I tell myself, "just put the running clothes on." So I put them on. Then I tell myself, "just go outside and walk for 5 minutes, that's all you have to do." So I go outside and walk for 5 minutes. Then usually I figure, "well, I'm out here, may as well get the run in." Start small with your goals and build from there. A 5 or 10 minute walk is better than nothing, and fresh air makes you feel so good. Before you know it you will be enjoying it!

    Also, buy a couple of DVD's like yoga, or kickboxing or something like that for when the weather is really miserable. I don't know where you live, but here it can get forty below.

    One more little tip, I used to go tanning in the winter to help with the depression, but now I take Vitamin D-3. I take it every day, and so far I have not been depressed. The lack of Vit. D is what causes SAD, and a very high number of people in the northern hemisphere are deficient. D-3 is more easily absorbed by your body, and is also good for your bones.

    Good luck to you!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    im worried about winter weight gain, too. but im really watching what i eat and trying desperately to be motivated. i have exercised in months and havent gained but every winter i tend to.
    im getting a gazelle from my parents and im hoping that if i do some serious workouts on that while catching up with dvr'd tv i can keep from gaining.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    It doesn't get that cold in New Orleans. We may be wearing shorts for Christmas.:laugh:
  • BamaRose0107
    Hi, I am glad to here you have been recovered for a year. I used to worry about weight gain but one thing that helps me are videos. I hate cold weather and this year the weather stations are predicting a harsh winter for the south. I keep a few exercise videos at the house so if its cold and rainy I can still get my cardio in and I also have some free weights so I can continue toning. Also try to keep healthy snack around. I try to grab fresh veggies instead of chips and cookies. Notice I said I try:laugh: Just try not to worry about it that will only make it worse. And remember we are all here for you. Good Luck!!!!!!! Hope this helps!