Asylum of the Daleks



  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm waiting for more weeping angel episodes... They are by far the most scary things in the who universe.
    I literally shrieked when I saw the first weeping angel episode! [ I'm still a newbie whovian c: ]
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm waiting for more weeping angel episodes... They are by far the most scary things in the who universe.


    I have kind of lost interest with this most recent Doctor. Something about him just puts me on edge. I want David Tennant back or Christopher Ecckleson (sp).
    Me tooo. AND ROSE, DARNIT. D<
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    The Vashta Nerada were amazing. Microspores in a million million books. Still get chills with the, "These are our forests." I agree about the statue of liberty being a weeping angel. That would be crazy amazing.

    I'm thinking he'll take the tardis to just before she dies, bring her on the TARDIS and save her...but i guess we'll see. I mean Gillian was in "Fires of Pompey" before she was Amy pond, so i guess we'll see.

    Dinosaurs on a intrigued by the trailer. I have high expectations for this season...also wondering who the next Doctor is gonna be...On the fields of Trensalor at the fall of the 11th :).
  • shmiracles
    shmiracles Posts: 105 Member
    a great DALEK episode!! very excellent!
    also my tardis dress arrived from Black Milk. perfect timing.

    (about Oswin, i imagine that the Doctor is meeting her backwards in his time line (but forwards in her regular timeline), cuz Moffet does that kind of thing so well. and i suspect that she is genius because of him perhaps?)

    Indeed! Although the 'meeting the girl at the beginning and knowing how she dies' has really been done to death with River Song....I hope he's got something cleverer up his sleeve.

    well at least the doctor doesn't know what she looks like so that could be a twist. meaning he wouldn't know her when he meets her? and maybe he doesn't know what she sounds like either?
    though you're right that the out of sequence timeline has already been done.

    i have a ton of faith in Moffet and i trust whatever he has planned will probably be pretty clever cool.

    a dalek companion! hah that would be crazy awesome crazy.
  • ceecee7636
    ceecee7636 Posts: 37 Member
    LOVED IT!!!! Think Oswin is going to make a great assistant and can't wait to find out how he finds her again

    Nice Avatar btw :)
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    I'm waiting for more weeping angel episodes... They are by far the most scary things in the who universe.


    I have kind of lost interest with this most recent Doctor. Something about him just puts me on edge. I want David Tennant back or Christopher Ecckleson (sp).

    Yeah, not my favorite either, but I'm old school Whovian and a big fan of Tom Baker.
  • Mctree20

    The actress who played Oswin is confirmed as the next companion

    Now THERE'S a reason to watch!!
  • Julescg26
    Julescg26 Posts: 260 Member
    I loved David Tennant as the Dr, current one isn't too bad though! I'm looking forward to seeing if I can get the new series of Red Dwarf on the internet somewhere it's on the Dave Channel in the UK in November I think!
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    Loved it!! I'm curious about Oswin though, as far as I know it isn't possible to un-Dalek someone... is it? :p Maybe the new companion will be a relative of Oswin... Anyway I can't wait to find out!! :D
    Getting a bit tired of the whole love-hate-love Amy Rory thing though... But still loved the episode! ^^
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    Craig is still the best pseudo-companion ever....loved him with the baby.

    Stormageddon Dark Lord of All!