June Starters ~ Celebrate Friday

So, another week....

My big accomplishment this last week was when I stepped on the scale and it had moved down 4lbs.... So excited about that....
Also, I have been doing well on my coke drinking... I have gone a couple days between them, so I should be able to just knock them out entirely...

Can't wait to hear you guys' celebrations today.... Let's hear it!!! What are you celebrating this week....


  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I am celebrating that I have already reached my Christmas goal when I weighed in at 189.6 this morning. :bigsmile:

    I am so excited!!! And also excited that it is the weekend almost!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Both excellent reasons to celebrate Kandyjo and datensh.

    I have been doing well at getting in more fruit and veggies, and trying to up my water intake. I had gotten off the fruit and veggies being so consistent for a couple of weeks. Its amazing the difference in my general feeling of well being when I don't eat as much of them. I have been filling up on meat and breads but telling myself its okay since I am within my calories (or close). But truely I just FEEL better when I eat them.

    Anyways, this week I celebrate healthy carbs and hydration...
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    datenshi ~ How fantastic!!! You're amazing!! You are just rockin' and rollin' with this weight loss journey of your's! You really encourage me!!

    momto4wifeto1 ~ I know what you mean!! It is definitely the QUALITY of the food that we put into our bodies that means the most!! Great job!! Keep it up!!