I have headaches...who eats organic fruits/veggies?



  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    You may be allergic to some foods you eat. Many people are allergic to fruits and veggies and have symptoms such as headaches and nausea. Perhaps get tested for food allergens.

    It's not food allergies. My son has those and we deal with that constantly. I'm lucky to not have them, but thank you.

    It may not be an allergy, but a trigger. Chocolate, red wine, aged cheeses, anything with MSG, and many other foods can trigger headaches. I suggest you look for those in your diary.

    Alternatively...menopause? Changing hormone levels can mess things up.
  • sheclimbsrocks
    sheclimbsrocks Posts: 110 Member
    I feel your migraine pain! Mine are caused by MSG. No MSG = no migraines. Except for when a family member / restaurant accidentally poisons me! ;)

    Pesticides may or may not be the cause of your migraines. However, pesticide-free eating does have the health benefits of reducing your body burden of toxic chemicals. It's a good idea for your health and the environment.

    In the meantime, I hope you find your triggers! It took me years to figure mine out. As others have mentioned, a food diary is a good idea. Once I stopped eating processed food, mine almost completely went away. My neurologist was very proud!
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I'm back to say that I notice when I eat a meal with a lot of sugar content, I have migraine headaches too. I also have a history of being sensitive to sugar (even fruit sugars) so maybe you should try keeping your sugar content under 10g per meal and have NONE of it come from a liquid (that includes artificial sweeteners and stevia/spleda as well). Give it a try and see how you feel.

    I have a headache now after having a lactose free yogurt (liquid). It had 22g of sugar. I ate it anyways because I needed the calcium but I will NEVER do that again :sad:
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Sodium benzoate, is a common preservative used in canned and packaged foods. I discovered that if I limiited my intake of that additive, my migraines decreased and my crohn's symptoms backed off bigtime. Seriously take a look at how much of this chemical is in your diet. I can't say how it would affect anyone else, but it does make me very ill.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I would suggest seeing an allergist and getting tested for allergies for not only pollens but foods. You could possibly be exposing yourself to a fragrance or food that is causing your problem.

    Now, my husband works at Whole Foods and I have to say I love it because we get all kinds of educational information that has helped us learn to change what we are eating. If you have a whole foods near you they offer classes and challenges etc and you don't have to shop there to be a part of it.

    My mom recently found out she was allergic to apples, bananas, eggs, rice and by association, pears (they are part of the apple family) and red fruits and she knows that red wines trigger her migraines so again an allergy blood test may help solve some of your issue.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I would suggest seeing an allergist and getting tested for allergies for not only pollens but foods. You could possibly be exposing yourself to a fragrance or food that is causing your problem.

    Now, my husband works at Whole Foods and I have to say I love it because we get all kinds of educational information that has helped us learn to change what we are eating. If you have a whole foods near you they offer classes and challenges etc and you don't have to shop there to be a part of it.

    My mom recently found out she was allergic to apples, bananas, eggs, rice and by association, pears (they are part of the apple family) and red fruits and she knows that red wines trigger her migraines so again an allergy blood test may help solve some of your issue.

    Thing is, allergists can't detect food sensitivities (non-auto-imune response); only allergies (auto-imune response). It's like having Arthralagis instead of Arthritis.