Primal Diaries

I realized that I am on the verge of naturally following a Primal lifestyle. I've read some good information about the lifestyle and have plenty of resources...but I would really like to see is some diaries of my fellow MFP'ers who follow the primal lifestyle.

If you have an open diary and are Primal, or are willing to share a diary key, please let me know!



  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Bump, someone on here follows the Primal Bluerpint, in fact, I know many people do. Don't be shy!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I do, but I don't count calories, so I rarely fill in my diary.

    I do spot checks to ensure I am getting proper nutrients from time to time.
  • ipag
    ipag Posts: 137
    I follow paleo/primal and have my diary open. If you have questions, feel free to message me.
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    I had never heard of this type of eating before. It sounds interesting. I might take a book out of the library and see what I can find out.
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    I found this receipe link might be worth having a look at.
  • asticoral
    I just found Primal yesterday and spent 4 hours straight reading about it, very interesting points I thought.
    MY personal problem with it is the meat - not a vegan by any stretch but I have a very hard time thinking about dead flesh as I'm gnashing on it...... I'll never make it as a zombie, lol
    I am going to continue researching this and have adapted some into my life already, my main interest will be the cholesterol findings at first.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    You should join a paleo/primal group and ask there.
  • Cdposey26
    Cdposey26 Posts: 35 Member
    You can friend me if you want, I do paleo and track my food pretty diligently
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I think my key is 100811 BTW.
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    i follow primal for the most part. its not a religion to me though so i will stray and occasionally have some rice, or potatoes.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Thank you everyone, I am overjoyed with the responses. You may receive a friend request or message from me. I will be checking into all the shared resources and diaries and am willing to do the same!