

  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    yeah right, that would actually be SEMI- considerate, Mikey.
    I work in an office too, people thought I came to work sick cause I always sneeze, ALWAYS. Now, they all know that's what I do, I am a freaking SNEEZER, I once sneezed over 15 times in a row. No one says bless you anymore..:laugh:

  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I like to go into the office sick and not do work all day, but then take a day off when I'm feeling stellar :bigsmile:

    Exactly. :happy:

    It is people like this that I loathe. I have been sick on so many of my birthdays because of selfish people like this. Last year I had to cancel my Christmas party AND the rescheduled party because sick people can't stay the hell away from healthy people.
    What the hell is wrong with you? Are you so selfish that you can't see that you're interfering with other people's lives? That you're causing other people to lose out on sick days/$$? YOU are costing THEM money because you're so selfish and inconsiderate.

    I do not hesitate to tell sick people to stay the *kitten* away from me. My friends know better that to come near me when sick.
    My co-workers? I'd call them out on the spot. No reason for this crap, you're an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'd be tempted to put a surgical mask on, in front of her...... :wink: :laugh:

    ^^^ HAHA, awesome idea
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member

    I do not hesitate to tell sick people to stay the *kitten* away from me. My friends know better that to come near me when sick.
    My co-workers? I'd call them out on the spot. No reason for this crap, you're an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    I told my admin to get the hell out of my office yesterday morning because I don't want to catch her funk like some of my other coworkers have. She's like "a good morning would have been nice, but I've had this over a week so I'm not contagious anymore". OK. Well, you're making me sick just having to listen to you cough up a lung cookie every other minute, so I repeat, get the hell out of my office.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I'd be tempted to put a surgical mask on, in front of her...... :wink: :laugh:

    If I had any- I would. I'm gonna bring a box to work and PUT IT WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE IT.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    What confuses me are people who take it too far and get overly paranoid about germs and push for purell dispensers outside the restrooms and in meeting rooms, but don't bother thinking about silly little things like elevator buttons.

    That is why I only touch everything in the office with only my elbows. #skills
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    But it still aggravates the hell out of me when adults do not cover their mouths when they are coughing... REALLY?? :mad:

    I work with kids and I will Lysol the heck out of my office after a sick kid has been in here!

    I'm all for Lysol-ing kids. Mine is a germ factory and she's 19!
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    I'd be tempted to put a surgical mask on, in front of her...... :wink: :laugh:

    If I had any- I would. I'm gonna bring a box to work and PUT IT WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE IT.

    I just sent my girl and some co workers that ee card, the first one you posted! they cracked up! thanks!
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    LYSOL, Meet face, face meet LYSOL.

  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Our boss comes in sick all the time. We call him out on it and he swears it's allergies. Really? You must be a medical miracle because your allergies are freaking contagious. We're all gonna have them in three days.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Oh, gag me. I hate people who see the need to spread their disease with the world. I used to work food service and can not tell you the number of times I had to say something to some jerk waitress who hacked into her hands and then immediately grabbed a guest's plate or cup or put her nasty little infectious hands into the ice bin.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    I do not hesitate to tell sick people to stay the *kitten* away from me. My friends know better that to come near me when sick.
    My co-workers? I'd call them out on the spot. No reason for this crap, you're an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    I told my admin to get the hell out of my office yesterday morning because I don't want to catch her funk like some of my other coworkers have. She's like "a good morning would have been nice, but I've had this over a week so I'm not contagious anymore". OK. Well, you're making me sick just having to listen to you cough up a lung cookie every other minute, so I repeat, get the hell out of my office.

    Yup, if you have your own personal work space, sick people need to stay out. When my kids are sick, guess where they are?
    their room! Sometimes the couch if it's more than 2 days or a high fever. I hate the hacking and nose blowing too, disgusting.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I like to go into the office sick and not do work all day, but then take a day off when I'm feeling stellar :bigsmile:

    Exactly. :happy:

    It is people like this that I loathe. I have been sick on so many of my birthdays because of selfish people like this. Last year I had to cancel my Christmas party AND the rescheduled party because sick people can't stay the hell away from healthy people.
    What the hell is wrong with you? Are you so selfish that you can't see that you're interfering with other people's lives? That you're causing other people to lose out on sick days/$$? YOU are costing THEM money because you're so selfish and inconsiderate.

    I do not hesitate to tell sick people to stay the *kitten* away from me. My friends know better that to come near me when sick.
    My co-workers? I'd call them out on the spot. No reason for this crap, you're an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    The problem is, a lot of times, you almost feel like you get punished for calling in sick. At my old job, unless they actually saw you puking, they didn't believe you when you called in. Then when you got back to work, had twice as much work piled on you because "you weren't there to do it" the day before. They would make us feel guilty for being sick and calling eventually we had people coming in with the flu because they were afraid of being fired for calling in. Sad...but I see this at a LOT of companies!
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I'd be tempted to put a surgical mask on, in front of her...... :wink: :laugh:

    If I had any- I would. I'm gonna bring a box to work and PUT IT WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE IT.

    I just sent my girl and some co workers that ee card, the first one you posted! they cracked up! thanks!

    haha you're welcome :)
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    I like to go into the office sick and not do work all day, but then take a day off when I'm feeling stellar :bigsmile:

    Exactly. :happy:

    It is people like this that I loathe. I have been sick on so many of my birthdays because of selfish people like this. Last year I had to cancel my Christmas party AND the rescheduled party because sick people can't stay the hell away from healthy people.
    What the hell is wrong with you? Are you so selfish that you can't see that you're interfering with other people's lives? That you're causing other people to lose out on sick days/$$? YOU are costing THEM money because you're so selfish and inconsiderate.

    I do not hesitate to tell sick people to stay the *kitten* away from me. My friends know better that to come near me when sick.
    My co-workers? I'd call them out on the spot. No reason for this crap, you're an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    The problem is, a lot of times, you almost feel like you get punished for calling in sick. At my old job, unless they actually saw you puking, they didn't believe you when you called in. Then when you got back to work, had twice as much work piled on you because "you weren't there to do it" the day before. They would make us feel guilty for being sick and calling eventually we had people coming in with the flu because they were afraid of being fired for calling in. Sad...but I see this at a LOT of companies!
    whew, I am glad that I work with a company that treats their employees like adults and not creatures or children. whew...
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    Sometimes I think I have jedi mind powers to be able to make people sneeze multiple times in a row.

    *first sneeze*

    "Bless--" *purposely pauses*

    *second sneeze*"

    "--you!" *evil grin*
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    I wish more companies understood sick leave. I get zero sick days at my job. :cry: But I have, and will continue to stay home if I am ill. Because I've been listening to Mr Maybe I Have A Sinus Infection on the other side of my office sniffing and snotting all day. Ick. I'm so anti sick that I won't even blow my nose in public. I go to the bathroom. LOL! :bigsmile:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I like to go into the office sick and not do work all day, but then take a day off when I'm feeling stellar :bigsmile:

    Exactly. :happy:

    It is people like this that I loathe. I have been sick on so many of my birthdays because of selfish people like this. Last year I had to cancel my Christmas party AND the rescheduled party because sick people can't stay the hell away from healthy people.
    What the hell is wrong with you? Are you so selfish that you can't see that you're interfering with other people's lives? That you're causing other people to lose out on sick days/$$? YOU are costing THEM money because you're so selfish and inconsiderate.

    I do not hesitate to tell sick people to stay the *kitten* away from me. My friends know better that to come near me when sick.
    My co-workers? I'd call them out on the spot. No reason for this crap, you're an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    The problem is, a lot of times, you almost feel like you get punished for calling in sick. At my old job, unless they actually saw you puking, they didn't believe you when you called in. Then when you got back to work, had twice as much work piled on you because "you weren't there to do it" the day before. They would make us feel guilty for being sick and calling eventually we had people coming in with the flu because they were afraid of being fired for calling in. Sad...but I see this at a LOT of companies!
    whew, I am glad that I work with a company that treats their employees like adults and not creatures or children. whew...

    Must be's one of the MANY reasons I left there!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I used to share an office with a guy who would use my waste-paper basket (under my desk and mere inches from my leg) for his snotty tissues because his basket was all filled up with empty Diet Coke bottles.

    He was offended when he reached over one day to thrown one away and I sprayed him with Lysol.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I like to go into the office sick and not do work all day, but then take a day off when I'm feeling stellar :bigsmile:

    Exactly. :happy:

    It is people like this that I loathe. I have been sick on so many of my birthdays because of selfish people like this. Last year I had to cancel my Christmas party AND the rescheduled party because sick people can't stay the hell away from healthy people.
    What the hell is wrong with you? Are you so selfish that you can't see that you're interfering with other people's lives? That you're causing other people to lose out on sick days/$$? YOU are costing THEM money because you're so selfish and inconsiderate.

    I do not hesitate to tell sick people to stay the *kitten* away from me. My friends know better that to come near me when sick.
    My co-workers? I'd call them out on the spot. No reason for this crap, you're an adult, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    The problem is, a lot of times, you almost feel like you get punished for calling in sick. At my old job, unless they actually saw you puking, they didn't believe you when you called in. Then when you got back to work, had twice as much work piled on you because "you weren't there to do it" the day before. They would make us feel guilty for being sick and calling eventually we had people coming in with the flu because they were afraid of being fired for calling in. Sad...but I see this at a LOT of companies!
    whew, I am glad that I work with a company that treats their employees like adults and not creatures or children. whew...

    Right- that's another thing- Our company is VERY laid back and understanding when it comes to people needing time off, whether it be because they are sick or b/c they have something they need to do. Very lenient.