Worst roommate!

Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
What is your worst roommate story?


  • camfam5
    I had a roommate in college that would talk about herself in the third person. "Allie's hungry". She took psych medication and was obsessed with her boyfriend to the point of becoming a stalker.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I swear my old roommate was placed on earth just to torment me. She would always accuse me of stealing her stuff and turning her alarm clock off so she'd be late to class, she'd open the windows at night when it was -30 below zero, she would ALWAYS dominate the tv, made it super uncomfortable for me to have friends over. She was a hefty girl and wore clothes where her stomach would constantly hang out. Her voice was like finger nails on a chalk board!
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    I had a roommate in college that would talk about herself in the third person. "Allie's hungry". She took psych medication and was obsessed with her boyfriend to the point of becoming a stalker.

    ..... Uhhh that's scary!
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    Had a guy that lived with us in our 'suite' and he was enormous. After one of our football games people ran down onto the field to grab all the grass (they were re-doing the field). He grabbed a crap load and brought it back to his room.

    I went home for the weekend, but I came back to find 2 of our toilets clogged with this molding disgusting grass. The third toilet (we had 3 total) was clogged with a mound of his feces, baby wipes, and toilet paper. Apparently he had **** himself in his sleep and decided to leave all that stuff there why he went home and made his mom come clean it for him.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    In college my freshman year dorm roomate got so drunk at his fraternity house that he forgot how to use the door, and proceeded to pee in the corner of the room. He cleaned it up the next morning, but still...*kitten*.

    Later in the year it happened again, couldn't manage the fine art of using a door and peed in the room again. This time all over MY backpack. He didn't graduate, dropped out after one year. Phucker.
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    My old college roommate met the "love of her life" on Craigslist and started asking him to spend the night after two weeks of "meeting" online. Did I mention that we shared a wall?
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    I swear my old roommate was placed on earth just to torment me. She would always accuse me of stealing her stuff and turning her alarm clock off so she'd be late to class, she'd open the windows at night when it was -30 below zero, she would ALWAYS dominate the tv, made it super uncomfortable for me to have friends over. She was a hefty girl and wore clothes where her stomach would constantly hang out. Her voice was like finger nails on a chalk board!

    Mine turns the thermostat down to 60 and yells at me if I turn it up. If I ask her to keep it above 70 at night she gets mad and tells me to grab a blanket. LOL! (Yes I am moving out soon thank God hahahah) So she will be stuck with that bill!
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    My ex husband!

    But, if I can't use Exhole, then it would have to be a renter I had. Never washed his dishes. Left his wet laundry in the washer for days. Ate my food. Which didn't agree with him because then he stunk up my bathroom, used all the TP, and never learned how to replace a roll.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    Oh the stories I could tell.

    One group refused to lock our door at all hours of the night.

    My last roommate emotionally abused me, and physically abused my cat, but then accused me of abusing her cats. She wouldn't clean up after herself, but called me the slob. She wouldn't allow me to feel welcome in my own home, and then got offended because I WOULDN'T make myself at home. She dumped my food because it "Smelled Funny" (Garlic and mushrooms have a smell. What can I say?). Etc etc.

    I refuse to live with anyone who isn't married to me ever again!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    My first roommate was a drug dealer who promised to deal outside the room and never smoke inside... but then wanted to "use up" her stash and kept wondering where her drug money disappeared to... May I add that weed makes me nausious?

    My second roommate only wanted to have a heart to heart when she needed it and stole my work...
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    I used to live with 3 other people, 2 guys and another girl. one of the guys and the other girl were a couple and I thought it would be safe as the yhad lived together before so house keeping would get done etc.

    Well all was good in the beginning, I knew they liked going out and stuff and that didnt bother me. When it was the girls birthday she made our flat an open house and one time some (what i thought) random guys just walked out....turned out it was just their (drug) dealers!! Not impressed.

    Also they DIDNT know how to clean ANYTHING, these were people 2 years older than me, left dirty plates, cutley and food out to go mouldy and I mean REALLY mouldy. My boyfriend came over once and was just so disgusted he didnt want to cook in the kitchen as it was so we cleaned it all. did we get thanks NO none at all we got 'you could of just told us to clean' to which my response was 'why do you need to be TOLD to clean up after yourselves your old enough to realise mould=BAD'

    There room was horendous and had tons of plates on the floor with food caked on it all dried up it was foul..

    Worst of all the guy decided to cheat on the girl with his second cousin..(yeah i know right) bu he couldnt afford to move out and they just stayed in their room or argued...

    By the end of the year (we were stuck in a contract) we alol just stayed in our rooms, avoiding each other all the time and didnt even say good bye each other when we moved out... it was the worst year of my life!
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I was in boarding school when I was first forced to be with roommates. They NEVER. STOPPED. PLAYING. Gwen Steffani's "The Sweet Escape" on full blast. Over and over and over and over and OVER!

    Being a fan of Metal, I'm not into pop music at all and wanted to wait till they were gone to break the d_a_m_n CD. Then again, it would make anyone want to after they've heard any song for the 37th time in a row.

    Edit: At first it said, "I wanted to bread the CD." Lol.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My worst roommate was in college too. I'd met this girl (we'll call her Connie) 1st year, hung out with her quite a bit, even went to visit her family with her over the weekend. Fast forward to year 2, we were living in the on campus apartments with another roommate and now Connie had a boyfriend. All of a sudden she turned into a compulsive liar and a thief! Thankfully we were able to find another roommate (the school required at least 3 inhabitants) and got her the hell out. She was the 2nd non relative to feel the wrath of my rarely viewed temper. Man did she tick me off!

    Almost forgot the worst part! She never cleaned up after herself, especially in the kitchen. She'd fried up some hot dogs and left all the grease behind on the surface. Well I was on my own in the apartment that weekend and didn't notice the mess and went to boil up some water for mac & cheese or something and the stove caught fire! That was pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back - it's bad enough to be messy but not to the point where you risk damage to the place you live!

    Bonus: The other two roommates are still very dear to me. I don't get to see the one very often because she's in another country (Cananda) and lives several hours away but we catch up a couple times a year and see each other when we can. The replacement roommie is one of my very best friends and I was in both of their weddings as a bridesmaid. :)
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    Oh the stories I could tell.

    One group refused to lock our door at all hours of the night.

    My last roommate emotionally abused me, and physically abused my cat, but then accused me of abusing her cats. She wouldn't clean up after herself, but called me the slob. She wouldn't allow me to feel welcome in my own home, and then got offended because I WOULDN'T make myself at home. She dumped my food because it "Smelled Funny" (Garlic and mushrooms have a smell. What can I say?). Etc etc.

    I refuse to live with anyone who isn't married to me ever again!

    SOUNDS LIKE MINE! Except for the cats!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I once roomed with a woman about 13 years older than me. She was a neighbor across from my father's old townhouse and she seemed cool and all. I needed a place to live, she offered me her basement and run of the house. It wasn't until I started living with her that I realized she was a [barely] functional alcoholic.

    Shortly after I moved in, her license was suspended for a DUI. Her mother then started to spend the night in a spare room so she could take her to work Monday through Friday mornings. Everything seemed okay until the mother found out I had driven Kathy (roommate) to the liquor store once. *kitten* hit the fan. This old hag made every effort possible to make my life miserable. (I hope she's dead by now)

    Meanwhile, Kathy regularly meets random guys on Plenty of Fish and BRINGS THEM HOME WITH HER until they did their thing, she passed out, and they'd eventually leave at some point in the night/early morning. No lock on my door to the basement! (Thinking back, I am so lucky nothing happened to me) Kathy eventually upped her daily alcohol intake to deal with her mother (her buddy from the liquor store was making regular drop-offs in her mailbox -- the mother assumed it was me) and became violent. I gave her my decision to leave and she straight-up trashed the first floor of the house. I remember sitting in the basement scared that she'd attack me. I called my boss to let him know I wasn't coming in the next day, called my brother to help me move, and I was out within 24 hours. The drunken, threatening voicemails eventually stopped.

    Never. Again.
  • wolfpack77
    I had a roommate that spent literally 16 hours a day playing WoW on his computer. Never cleaned or helped around the house, only showered like 3 times a week... and got skinny as hell because he never ate enough. Didn't do *kitten* but play that damn game and stink up the house with body odor and cigarettes.
  • Mctree20
    One of the worst ones I had was at University, a guy called John. Seemed like a normal chap when he moved in, but after a week we started to notice a smell. After 3 weeks it dawned on us that John never once took a shower, never washed his clothes, and never changed his bed sheets.

    His bedroom was right next to the kitchen, people would come over to see if they could last 60 seconds in there, there was a prize for anyone who could.
  • themaskedpixie
    themaskedpixie Posts: 26 Member
    I had a roomate who liked to play with her toys ( like dinosours and two headed cows...) and also liked to mixs sleeping pills and alcohol! that was fun since i was 22 and she was 19....

    she also had a doberman , we had the tineiest 1 bedroom apartment. I had ot take care of it becasue she was never home and woudl let it poop on the floor all the time. luckily she was home the day the landloard found out.
    and a stupid cat that woudl attack my feet while i slept...
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I've had some real *kitten* heads for roommates. The worst was probably a woman who fancied herself a drug dealer but she smoked more than she sold. She was a fat blob who sat on the couch all day and slept on it at night instead of using her room. Literally she hardly left the front room and she just kept the same DVDs playing on loop; NCIS and The Sopranos.

    I moved out because she was getting us evicted because, as it turned out, she was only taking the rent money that myself and the other two roommates were paying and gave that to the landlord, but not the other $500 she owed him. So, after a year of that (I only lived there for 3 months) he evicted us. On my way out she stole a fair amount of my things.

    But she's somehow missing her laptop now. I have *no* idea how that happened.
  • GeekyGoddess
    I had one that decided to say "eff life" and sat in her room for 4 weeks smoking oxy. No rent money? GTFO. Not as dramatic as other bad roommate stories but...oxy stinks.