200lbs+ looking for fun & motivated friends



  • 4aFitTina
    I'm in the 200's.... the first time I was in the 200's was after my first child. I was at 240 and within a year I was at 150.

    This time I started at 225.... and here I am, 18 months later, still hovering around 215.

    We got this! We can all do it!

    I love how great I feel after working out... and I LOVE figuring out alternate activities so it's not just workout dvds. Went on a 6 mile hike (by accident... teehee) last weekend.... put in a little more effort at work when we do manual labor related things... it makes me feel good!

    Thanks for this thread... it always sucks when you get to that weight you never wanted to be.... but it's always great to know you're not alone and can help support each other <3

    We are almost in the exact same boat. It does suck. But we are all here for a reason, to get healthy. So know you are not alone.
  • TheBigDog923
    I was at 547 (now 516), looking to get to 325. It's not easy, but it's worth the effort. Feel free to add me.
  • priti23
    Feel free to add me too..I am not my heaviest.But I need some support to get this weight off after pregnancy.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    hey anyone who like can add me as a friend, too.
    Just started a couple of dasy ago!

    I am currently over 200 lbs as well and I would love to end up around 154 lbs.
    Strong together!!!
  • Takarameri
    Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm at 222 right now and looking at losing up to 100 pounds.
  • alliemcblack
    I just began today. Went for a walk today and I am focused on seeing what I consume daily. I think thats a big part of it. I hate weighing myself but I go to the dr monthly for other reasons so I will check myself then.
    Feels good to know I'm not alone and there's support. :)