Any 6 foot ladies?.. or any tall ladies?

I'm 6 foot and 212 lbs. Hoping to find some people with the same goals as me. Want to get back down to 165.

Looking for people who know the woes of being big all around. People think its great bing tall.... not when you are not a rail thin model but built like a wrestler! I have been known to intimidate small children just by being around. Need some special support and some people who understand. :)


  • LunaSD
    Just bumping this up. :(
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    I didn't reach 6 foot I'm 5'8' now, was 5'9 1/2" but I understand what you mean I've a large frame and have always felt too big. I used to get angry when people would refer to me as big. I'm tall not big. It took me a long time to feel comfortable in my skin, now I know most of the negative feelings about my size came from my own head. I had to learn to like my big strong leg muscles, I can get anything I need off the top shelf myself, and I don't have far to look up into my sweet husbands eyes.

    I like being large,big tall
  • mochalishious
    mochalishious Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 5 11 so I know how you feel. I hate when people say but your so tall.....really so that's sn excuse to be over weight. I don't think so. I'm looking to reach 195. Any smaller I'm not sure how I will look
  • CoxTX
    CoxTX Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not quite 6 ft, 'only' 5'10. ;-) My goal is 165, which 20+ years ago (ugh, hate to admit that!) was a comfortable size 14 on me. Hopefully it'll be a size 10 now, the way sizes have changed.

    I've always wondered what it would be like to be tiny. Some of my smaller friends say they'd rather be tall cuz lbs show immediately when you're 5 foot nothing. I can see that, I can carry a lot of weight - it takes losing 20 lbs before it starts to show.

    I like being able to reach anything I want & being able to see over crowds!
  • LunaSD
    Thanks, this makes me feel a ton better. I'm so tall (read big) compared to every one I know (outside of family). I think my tallest friend is 5'5''. They just don't get it and I cant shop with them when they are going to stores that look at me funny because they only sell up to a size 9 and me being a 14/15. :(
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks, this makes me feel a ton better. I'm so tall (read big) compared to every one I know (outside of family). I think my tallest friend is 5'5''. They just don't get it and I cant shop with them when they are going to stores that look at me funny because they only sell up to a size 9 and me being a 14/15. :(

    I'm 5'11" and, like you, most of my friends are around 5'5" - sometimes I can't help but feel like a clunky giant!
    Since I was about 10, I've been bigger than everyone else. I was a little rake when I was younger, because I was always ill. They fixed the problem and I not only shot up in height but in weight, too. I've never seen myself as anything but 'big', even when I was about 150lbs.

    One consolation: in my experience, our shorter friends have just as much trouble finding trousers the right length as we do!
  • Sairyuk
    Sairyuk Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm 5'11, people seem to think it's ok for me to gain weight and just say 'it's ok your tall' but it doesn't actually make you feel any better about yourself! Infact it makes me feel worse because I feel like huge by being tall and big!
  • sueblue77
    sueblue77 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5'9, and large framed. I know what you're thinking, she's using the big boned excuse, but it's true. I have broad shoulders, and even when I'm thin, my hips are bony but wide. I too have been known to scare children, and I've been described several times as intimidating. I played football through the 8th grade, and was a starter for both offense and defense. I'm big. Now I'm 100 pounds over my goal weight which is 177. I haven't been that small since high school. My lowest weight then was 165, and my parents and friends were begging me to eat. The 165 happened after a year of almost anorexic behavior. 177 might be too low for me or even unattainable healthily, but it's still going to be over the healthy bmi for my height.

    I can relate to your dilemma of finding clothes. I know what it's like to tower over my friends. It can be discouraging. There are some pluses to being tall. We all know those, and I like being tall. I'd gladly be an inch or two taller, though, if I was just a smaller frame.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    I actually do not officially know how tall I am right now. I was measured almost 2 years ago at 5'10 1/2", 5'9 3/4", and at 5'11 1/4" at three different doctor appointments, all a week apart from each other... And sometimes I think I AM 6' because of the people around me who go "Oh, yeah, I'm 6' tall." Sooo... Being possibly 5'11" makes me an inch taller than you? Crazy people need to stop trying to be tall if they're not lol

    Anyway! I'm trying to get back down to my thinnest/lowest of 160/165lbs, so about 40lbs. I get told, "Oh but you don't look like you weigh that much!" Yeah, well, compared to 2 years ago I do! And don't get me started about clothes... I have one of those bodies when buying pants, the regulars are too short, but the longs are too long, and I'm built like a swimmer from the waist up (except I got the big boobs gene in my family, with or without being overweight.) Being broad shouldered, big chested, and now big tummied, I can't find tops usually unless they're nice and flowy. AKA a tent.
  • MrsDangermouse
    MrsDangermouse Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm 5'11, people seem to think it's ok for me to gain weight and just say 'it's ok your tall' but it doesn't actually make you feel any better about yourself! Infact it makes me feel worse because I feel like huge by being tall and big!
    Couldn't have said it better myself! I've lost count of the number of time I've heard that line from people.

    I'm 6' and about 4 years ago I lost 3 stone and got down to my target weight of 75kg - I felt and looked great (yes I know its odd...I think of losses in terms of pounds and stones but I measure my actual weight in kilos!).

    When I was at my target weight I really loved being tall - I was proud of it and more than happy to show it off. But now I've put the weight back on again I'm once again just feeling "big" :-( I really think that only other tall women can fully appreciate just how horrible it feels when it you're in a group and just feel huge in comparison to everyone else - really glad I found this thread!
  • michelleindeed
    michelleindeed Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5'11", started this at 322, and now I'm down to 301. I want to get down to 230 first, where I was about ten years ago, and then see how I feel.
    I tell people I weigh 300 pounds and they look at me like I'm exaggerating, but no. Really. This is me at 300lbs, and I know I carry it well... but that doesn't mean I want to carry all of it!
  • LunaSD
    This thread is making me feel sooo much better. I always feel so alone when it comes to this. Thanks so much for the support. Us tall girls need it too. <3
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I am only 5'10, and I started at 209.
  • tlo23
    tlo23 Posts: 68
    5'10" looking to get to 174-180 maintainence. Still have about 50 pounds to go, but this site helps a lot (and threads like this)!!

    Tall girls ROCK!! :bigsmile:
  • janellegel
    I'm 5'8-5'9 and I have a large frame as well. I carry most of my weight in my belly and hide it well so when i tell someone that im 250 the dont believe me. And i hate if i go shopping and someone says here this will fit you and its a 14 i get a lil depressed lol but its all good my goal is 165 and i think if i go any lower i'll look sick :) but nomatter what just remeber you are beautiful
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I am 6 foot and trying for a slightly lower weight, but am generally pretty good about logging everything. If you want you can go ahead and shoot me a friend request.
  • alli_dalli
    alli_dalli Posts: 22 Member
    I am so glad to read your post. I'm 5'11" and I'm sick of people saying "You wouldn't want to be any thinner or you'd look"... ill/too thin/emaciated/older blah blah blah... The fact is, only fat people say that anyway.

    I was 204 lbs and after a months solid dieting and exercise I've lost about 6 or 7lbs but not as much as I'd hoped. I feel like a gallumping great mammoth. I am clumsy, awkward, wobbly, blubbery and generally elephant sized.

    Plus I HATE going out at night with short friends. All that bending down to listen to what they're saying... its a pain!

    I AM gonna get slim. 174lbs is the figure I've had in mind recently. Tall girls rock!!
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Everyone here are tall beautiful ladies! If anyone needs support, I always try to lend a helping hand :smile:

    I'm 5'11", also trying to get down to 165 (my tiniest ever), seems like I'm so close yet so far away lol. As you can see I've been on the "big girl" boat for years, time to make port at healthy island!

    Lovely to hear from everyone! You're all beautiful!

  • jeweljeans
    jeweljeans Posts: 109 Member
    I'm somewhere between 5'9" and 5'10"... Larger framed, but curvy. My tiniest as an adult was 155. I was lean and healthy... I did a LOT of running to get there! I hit 180 just before that and decided enough was enough.. Then a few years later... A baby... (lost the baby weight, then gained 10 more! Oi!!) I was up to 185! I'm down 15 again and plan on dropping to that 155-60 mark. I can't go much smaller than that I don't think.. Or I'll look like a rail! I don't mind my height... I've embraced it.. And yes, I'll still wear those 5" heels, because I can!!! And they are sexy. Ha.
    But you guys are right, the weight does not show on us nearly as much as smaller people... I'm dying for people to notice the change in me that I see! And yes, being tall doesn't have to equal being big. :)
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I am 5'11 and 204 pounds. Feel free to add me for more support!!!