Hello to all you loser!

minnesota Posts: 204 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am a 24 year old State Social Worker that has recently moved to the west coast from Minnesota. I moved out here on my own leaving everyone and everything I know to gain experience and have an adventure. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I get to see almost every month, which works out for us. I have two beautiful nieces who I miss every day, but I will say I'm not missing the current Minnesota winter.
Since moving out here I have gained 7lbs, but since I haven't gained weight in five years since losing a bunch this hit kind of hard. I find it very important to work out at least five days a week and eat healthy, but since starting my new job I have let the stress get to me and started eating more chocolate then I should and drinking more not so good for me coffee. So, here I am trying to lose the last 15lbs that are haunting me. I have found that counting calories and being aware of my intake helps me out the most. Like most of you i'm sure I always seem to be astonished on how many calories I take in. Damn chocolate I tell you and Pepsi gets me every time. I have recently started a competition with my co-worker to see who can lose the most weight and i'm determined to win! Whoever wins gets to make the loser dance with the smelliest, grossest, teeth missing, tobacco chewing, cowboy at this hick bar. I'M NOT LOSING! :) well hopefully.

Anyway enough about me.... I wish everyone the best of progress and reaching of your goals.


  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    I wish you the best of luck and I hope you win the contest against your co-worker. But I must say that the idea of you dancing with the smelliest, grossest, teeth missing, tobacco chewing, cowboy at this hick bar is something that you should try anyway.....you did say something about having an adventure, right?
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