Sedentary, Lightly Active, or What?



  • djcuts
    djcuts Posts: 26 Member
    I was thinking about this myself and found this thread, so sorry if posting in an old thread, however as this is relevant to me at this moment in time, I thought I would post....

    I work at a desk, every lunchtime I go to the gym and weight train. In the evenings i can be fairly active as there is always something to do, I like to ride my bike at times so I thought i was moderately active, however I wanted to clarify which is why I found this thread.

    I just wanted to make sure that what I was using in the may caloric maintenance calculators etc. that are out there, that I was setting the correct activity level for the most accurate data.

    I based my goals on being Moderately active, and as I have been getting good results, I think I will stick with that, and think that most of the info out there backs it up, so I used the below as an example in case anyone else was wondering about this to :smile:

    "if you perform a 30-to-60-minute workout at the gym 3 or 4 days a week, classify yourself as moderately active."

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Honestly, I have a desk job and I put myself in the sedentary lifestyle. I wear a Nike Fuel Band (a fitbit would be just as fine) and just record the calories burned from it.

    I do get up once an hour no matter what now. Even if I have to stand up to take a conference call.

    For me, it holds me accountable to get more active and accept that I have to do more exercise and earn those extra calories I eat. Is it the right way for everyone? Probably not, but it works for me
  • Easiest way to find out is to under estimate it eat the required calories for 2 weeks if you drop weight to quickly (more than 2lb per week) then move up in scale or add 200 calories. Then see what happens and adjust. There is no one size fits all - especially for someone like your self who says they are light and looking to get lean.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Good post. This drives me crazy as well, as I work a "desk job" at a large company that involves many trips up and down the stairs, walking to and from meetings, etc. Then I go home to my very busy toddler and spend hours chasing her and tending to her needs. I have no idea what my activity level should be set to.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Necro thread.