Food Addiction/Obsession



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    You have to learn to say "NO" to yourself. Your will power and self control are muscles, and the more you exercise them, the stronger they get.

    True, but there's also a theory that will power and self control are limited. The better course is for us to avoid situations in which we have to tap our small supply. Few people can achieve difficult goals by constantly feeling they have to will themselves to action.
  • j0123
    j0123 Posts: 1 Member
    Everyone gave awesome advice! Any updates on your progress?
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I struggle with the same issues with being bored or excited about food. I am also a stress eater. Being tired, overly hungry or stressed are my "weak times". Finding what triggers yours is truly the key. Here are some random tips that has helped me.

    1. You might not be eating enough. Find out what your tdee is and set that as your daily calorie goal. It is sooo much easier to aim for that count and create a deficit through exercise or diet. You can see how much "in the green" you are at the end of the week and calculate how much you should have lost.

    2. A calorie is not just a calorie but the basic idea is that it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat. So, thats -500 calories a day for 7 days to lose 1lb a week.

    3. Do not eat fast food. Watch the documentaries Food, Inc and King corn and that should help deter you. I haven't eaten McDonalds in at least 5 years.

    4. Give yourself a friggen break. This is not a war, this is about finding a balanced diet. If you cut out whole food groups-even the fat and sugar ones will throw your body off. If you cant live without it for the rest of your life, do not cut it out now. Let me repeat. Do not cut it out now. Once a week, have a dessert and go out to eat and eat w/e you want.

    5. If you eating high cals foods/high sugar/high fat type foods all the time, it will send your blood sugar on a rollercoaster. Which makes you eat because your hungry then you hungry because you eat. Eat square.

    6. Exercise. Its not just about losing weight, its about keeping it off. It will also happen faster then just dieting. Also, I have found that people who exercise are much smaller then people who dont even when they are at the are at the same weight and height. I got a lot of crap for this from some girls on here but I at 207lbs, 5'7 and I am in a 12 jean. They complained that at 5'7 when they were 170 lbs they were in a size 16 jean. At that weight, I will be in a 6-8 jean. I exercise 6 days a week 2-3 hours a day, that's why I am smaller. I hope that didn't come off as snotty but I worked my butt off for it so yeah, I'm proud as he.. and I deserve it. Get up off of that thing...;) hehe

    7. The scale: nothing. Take pics-even if you don't show anyone and measure yourself weekly/monthly. I used to go through periods where I wouldn't lose weight for a month but I would lose inches. Then Id lose weight and no inches. The body is weird like that.

    I hope that helps

  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
    Distracting myself definately helps - changing what I am doing even slightly - walk to the loo, get a water, send a text.

    I have 1 particular friend who I am 'making these changes' with, and when I crave I tend to text her, by the time I type, read then send it I think - no point now - or what did I send that for i'm not hungry!

    Re snacks - iI find cutting them up helps...apples into slices/chunks, last night i had 1/2 a donut but cut that into 4 peices, drank with a glass of water....after 2 peices i was thinking what are you doing - this isnt enjoyable....!

    To sumarise - I try and think about everything to the point I over think it and change my mind.

    My safety net is thinking how I feel when i pull a jumper on that no longer fits/i cant wear what i want to wear and thats any snacidents avoided!!
  • munny_p
    munny_p Posts: 73 Member
    I have/had this problem. I made a whole list of things I can do instead of eat. Yoga, read, walk my dog, teach him something new, go on Facebook, Pinterest, here. Draw, take a walk, take a bath, take a hot shower. Whatever applies to you!

    I also allow myself to have some of those items I would get really excited about- like when I went to Trader Joe's (it's an hour from here) and got my favorite chocolate bar from them the other day- I HAD to have some. I just limit the amount I eat and be conscious of it.
  • cmz311
    cmz311 Posts: 15
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    If you indeed have a food addiction/obsession, or are an 'emotional eater' (and it sounds like you do/are) you would benefit greatly from joining a support group, either in your local area or online ( While not a food addict, I am a recovering alcoholic, and used to help me with my step work. Reading their stories, I can TOTALLY relate to what they went through. All I needed to do was substitute "alcohol" anywhere they had "food". The behavior patterns of the alcoholic are almost exactly the same as those of someone with an eating disorder / food addiction. Yes, it IS an addiction, just like alcohol.

    You have taken the first baby step by admitting that you might have a problem. Please consider getting help from an available support group, either locally or online. Please feel free to add me as a friend / message me if you have any questions.

    FTR, I am just over 1 year sober, and loving life.

    Peace be with you and may God bless you.
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member

    Yes I've come off meth, yes I am very familiar with addiction in both my personal and my professional life. That was not the point of what I was saying however. Food addiction is very fatal...people gorge themselves to poor health and die.....and you need food to survive. I lived off fast food and was killing myself slowly...I had physical withdrawal symptoms....I related it to my meth addiction.
    The point is food addiction is very real to some people. To the person who posted this and to those who understand or go through it, it's a real addiction.

    MFP REALLY needs a "LOVE THIS" button!
  • ksboyd20
    ksboyd20 Posts: 21 Member
    It's super's like coming off crystal meth.....however it's all around you and legal

    I've gone through night sweats over food, seriously like detox'd off fast food...and had dreams about food and the list goes on and on.
    I cant believe this, Have you ever came off of meth? or even watched a person detox off alcohol or heroin? Not eating a fast food or chocolate will not physically kill you. But coming off certain drugs can. Apples and monkeys
    Yes I've come off meth, yes I am very familiar with addiction in both my personal and my professional life. That was not the point of what I was saying however. Food addiction is very fatal...people gorge themselves to poor health and die.....and you need food to survive. I lived off fast food and was killing myself slowly...I had physical withdrawal symptoms....I related it to my meth addiction.
    The point is food addiction is very real to some people. To the person who posted this and to those who understand or go through it, it's a real addiction.

    Thank you for responding to him so I did not have to. Just because YOU are not going through/have gone through something, does not mean it's not real, or someone cannot suffer in an extreme/painful way.

    I am recovering from an extreme food addiction. 2 years ago I woke up, looked at my husband and said "I quit smoking" and I have not had 1 ciggerette since then. (I was a pack a day smoker for 15 years) I used no drugs, patches, nothing. Cold Turkey. With the success rates stacked against me, I conqured it.

    I never thought I would say this or hear it said, but I would rather quit smoking 10 times over then to have to go through this food addiction/recovery. It is VERY real. And very hard. Far from "apples and monkeys" Apples and bananas maybe. Different, yes but still a very real addiction with a painful recovery.
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    I get stoked over food too. Last week I made the mistake of buying ham slices, eggs and bagels at the same time. HAM/EGG/CHEESE BAGEL SANDWICH EVERY DAY! my brain likes to scream. The trick is to simmer down. Cut everything in half. Nibble on something low calorie while you cook (carrots or celery for me). Always remember that the food will be there for you later when it is more appropriate. That last has always been a biggie for me.
  • s_wicked
    s_wicked Posts: 28 Member
    I too am an emotional eater. I tried eliminating food from my diet and totally failed! When i'm on that roller coaster, I eat 100 calories of whatever it is that i'm craving followed by a glass of water. I've found that a small amount on the tongue satisfies the caving and the water after makes it blah so that i don't want any more (think water and chocolate cake). I've also found that eating light snacks ( for some reason, I love prunes and slimfast snacks) every 2.5 to 3 hours helps. If all else fails, keep trying!!!! Good luck!!!
  • NocturnalGirl
    I'm on a different boat to you yet I can relate because of my eating disorder. You need to keep yourself busy. If it's boredom eating then it means you are bored, right? So keep yourself from getting bored by doing various activities, going on walks, etc. Also drink plenty of water to keep yourself full as sometimes the body can mistake thirst for hunger. Another thing is not to be too strict on yourself or deprive yourself of foods you enjoy as it can lead to binging, i.e. have reasonable calorie goals.

    Good luck!
  • mjlacsina
    can anyone suggest an alternative with rice?

    are crackers better? or i might have to choose bread?
  • cmz311
    cmz311 Posts: 15
    Thanks for all the tips
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Side plates make portions appear bigger too

    and you're making a great start being here!
  • Lillyeatslilies
    I have been to overeater's anonymous before. It offers great tools for food addiction. I am also trying to break my addictive habits with healthier choices. It's just an idea. :)
  • ErzaScarlet
    ErzaScarlet Posts: 64 Member
    First off stop telling yourself it's hard, tell yourself it's easy and you can do this! Teach yourself what it feels to be hungry I suggest waiting a bit longer in between meals so you know the difference between hunger and non hunger also drink more hunger I dinf that if I'm really thirsty I eat a-lot more than I should.

    Furthermore, stop over thinking about food when I used to binge I forget about it and start over :)
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    For some reason, our society has placed a stigma on getting help psychologically when it is needed. We don't think twice about the doctor when we're hurt, or the dentist for a toothache, but seeing a shrink is seen as a sign of weakness. With the addiction that you are describing, I would recommend some type of therapy/counseling/support group. This does not have to be your battle alone, seek out some qualified professional help. You need to determine why you are using food in this manner, and the causes behind that behavior. We are all willing to lend support, but it sounds as though you need more than just the support of an nline community to understand and work through this.

    This. I had fought the same battle since childhood. Only with help of therapy could I get a grip. At the center I went to they also suggest (for after my therapy was over) that I find OA in my area.
  • strongkittys
    strongkittys Posts: 1 Member
    I think I have a food obsession. I think about food most of the day. Last night, I spent AN HOUR literally lying there thinking about what food I want to eat and when can I eat it. "Birthday is in 3 weeks, so your birthday dinner can be that pasta."

    And then, I started going down a not so great path that I KNOW is wrong, but I do it anyway. See, I get weighed every Tuesday. So the few days before, if I know I won't have lost any weight before weigh-in, I will ATTEMPT to starve-which is stupid and leads me to binge eating, but not crazy super unhealthy binges, just small ones, but they still make me feel guilty. Twice I have used a super powerful laxative, which I know doesn't make you lose actual weight, but it makes me feel empty and lighter and FEEL thinner. When I am working out, I'm thinking "there goes the juice I had and there goes the salad, etc." I know these are things ED people do, but I don't think I have one because I feel like it is a choice I am making, not something I HAVE to do, if that makes sense.

    The thing is, I don't eat super unhealthy. Most of the time, my eating is not like what I mention above. It is healthy and normal. I don't really have a problem of eating when I am bored. My breakfast is viewed purely as energy to help me have a good workout and day. However, one cheat meal and not only do I feel guilty, but I gain weight SUPER easily- and that fact gives me anxiety. I fear I'll have to be super strict with my food forever, that I'll never get to eat the foods I really enjoy AND be my ideal weight. Like, I have to choose between the two or spend my entire day at the gym to even things out.

    I am just confused. Anyone have any guidance or face a similar situation?
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    Herbal tea! :D I just got a box of Twinings Strawberry and Mango tea (don't know if they seel it where you are), and it's delicious! Only four calories a cup too :)