New craving...for a FitBit



  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    Returned mine. It tends to overestimate your steps and cals burned, it can easily fool you into cheating without realizing. Waste of money.

    Did you calibrate your stride and input your weight and other info on website? I actually calibrated mine using gps on my phone so it gives very exact readings for mileage and calories burned walking. I have found it to be a great motivator for the past four months. Excellent use of money!!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Love my fit bit and was so sad when it went through the wash a couple of weeks ago...have tried to live without it, but I am going to bite the bullet and buy another one.

    Don't PAY for a new one. Contact fitbit support and explain the situation to them. Chances are, you'll get it replaced free. My friend washed hers, and all they asked for was a copy of her receipt from Amazon to prove that she HAD bought one.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I had mine replaced as well. All I had to do was send them a picture of it (it got caught on the table and broke).
    Had it within a week! Great customer support.
    Didn't have it with me last weekend when I was out of town, and it drove me nuts!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Well, hells bells... I thought it was broken, I left it on the windowsill in a cup of dry rice and it dried out in time for my run tonight!

    Oh well, still sending it back when the new one arrives.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I LOVE my Fitbit & don't do (almost) anything without it.
    I find it quite durable (even after a cleaning in the washing machine) & love that I don't have to buy batteries for it like I did my pedometer - over & over again.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Save the money... Sportsline 308 available on Amazon for $13 tracks, steps, cals, miles, time etc. Pretty much the same thing. I do like having something so I call tell what I am doing. I also have a Polat FT4 which I like too. When I do my walking now I try extra hard to get my heart into the "zone" for maximum weight loss. But they are all just "toys" that you really don't have to have. I lost most of my weight without them. Just now I have to work harder to lose anything. Best of luck!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    If you have one, is it genuinely helpful or just a time-consuming toy?

    It depends, what do you want it for? I love mine but I also use my HRM. You don't need to track your calories but I do cause I find it way more accurate than my Fitbit. Would I have returned it? No. I wear mine on my bra and *knock on wood* haven't had any issues with it. It does keep me more active since it's easy for me to sit at my desk all day at work, now I'm going downstairs so I can get an extra set of stairs everytime I have to pee.
  • VisBella
    VisBella Posts: 21 Member
    Love it and it was worth the investment!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I bought mine back in April as a reward for losing 20lbs - seemed an adequate excuse at the time ;-) - but haven't gone a day without wearing it since and have found it a really good tool for measuring my activity levels. I swim a lot so can't use it then but entering my swims on FitBit's site (or carrying their swim burns over if you've not synced the two) provides a much more conservative estimate of calories burned.

    I would like a HRM too - but not until I find one that's reliable in water!
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I love mine! I've had it since February and the novelty has not worn off.

    My base stopped working in June and I went through he11 to get it replaced. Customer service is all online so what should have taken a five minute phone call to get it replaced turned in to a 2-3 week ordeal. When I finally told them I'd PAY for a new base just so I didn't have to go through the hassles, they decided to replace it. (You can't buy it seperate, anyway.)

    Saturday I caught my laptop bag on the holster slip and snapped it in half. It's another item you just can't buy. Now I carry it in my pocket. I fear mine may meet the fate of some of the others and end up in the washer.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    They sent me a new base station without any quibble. CS is by email but they get back to you within 48 hours generally. I only had to provide confirmation of my original order and got the base station 2 days after sending them that by priority courier. Can't say fairer than that for a free item!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I love mine! I've had it since February and the novelty has not worn off.

    My base stopped working in June and I went through he11 to get it replaced. Customer service is all online so what should have taken a five minute phone call to get it replaced turned in to a 2-3 week ordeal. When I finally told them I'd PAY for a new base just so I didn't have to go through the hassles, they decided to replace it. (You can't buy it seperate, anyway.)

    Saturday I caught my laptop bag on the holster slip and snapped it in half. It's another item you just can't buy. Now I carry it in my pocket. I fear mine may meet the fate of some of the others and end up in the washer.

    I wear mine on my bra. I also go ahead and put it on what ever I am going to wear after my shower on it before my shower so I will not forget it.

    Simple facts:
    1. I will be charging mine and not get up to pee because I do not want to miss steps.
    2. Drove to the store, realized I forgot my fitbit, drove back home, put it on and back to the store.
    3. A trip to Costco is around a mile worth of steps.

    We should start a thread, you know you addicted to your fitbit when......
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    LOL I feel like a spokesperson when I'm out. People ask me what it is and then I've got 5 people standing around getting a lesson!