New craving...for a FitBit



  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,371 Member
    They sent me a new base station without any quibble. CS is by email but they get back to you within 48 hours generally. I only had to provide confirmation of my original order and got the base station 2 days after sending them that by priority courier. Can't say fairer than that for a free item!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I love mine! I've had it since February and the novelty has not worn off.

    My base stopped working in June and I went through he11 to get it replaced. Customer service is all online so what should have taken a five minute phone call to get it replaced turned in to a 2-3 week ordeal. When I finally told them I'd PAY for a new base just so I didn't have to go through the hassles, they decided to replace it. (You can't buy it seperate, anyway.)

    Saturday I caught my laptop bag on the holster slip and snapped it in half. It's another item you just can't buy. Now I carry it in my pocket. I fear mine may meet the fate of some of the others and end up in the washer.

    I wear mine on my bra. I also go ahead and put it on what ever I am going to wear after my shower on it before my shower so I will not forget it.

    Simple facts:
    1. I will be charging mine and not get up to pee because I do not want to miss steps.
    2. Drove to the store, realized I forgot my fitbit, drove back home, put it on and back to the store.
    3. A trip to Costco is around a mile worth of steps.

    We should start a thread, you know you addicted to your fitbit when......
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    LOL I feel like a spokesperson when I'm out. People ask me what it is and then I've got 5 people standing around getting a lesson!
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