Avacado, tomato, cilanto sauce pizza

We made the best healhty pizza last night and I had to share! I don't have the recipe in front of me so i cannot tell you how to make the crust from scratch. We chose to buy a whole wheat healthy pizza crust instead of making one.

1 whole wheat pizza crust
light mexican cheese mix - shredded
bacon bits
**top pizza with light cheese and bacon bits and put in oven until cheese is melted**

1/4 cup fat free mayo
3 TBSP lime juice
2 tsp Cilatro minced
***combine in seperate bowl***

3 cups shredded lettuce
***pour contents of cilanto-mayo sauce (above) over lettuce and mix well***

Take finished pizza crust w/cheese out of oven. Pour lettuce (coated by cilantro-mayo suace) over pizza and spread evenly. Distribute thinly sliced romano tomatoes as well as 1 avacado thinly sliced over whole pizza. Add one more tsp of minced cilantro over whole pizza and serve.

SOO DELICIOUS! and I calculated all of the calorie so that 1/4 of the pizza is rougly 450 calories. but one serving size is about 1/6 of the pizza which is rougly 400 calories?


  • amtimmons23
    LOTS AND LOTS OF SPELLING ERRORS! I'm sorry =/ I wanted to get this typed up before work started that I rushed myself. I think you'll get the idea =)