Need inspirational friends!

Hi all!

I've been on MFP for a few months and my big struggle is consistency. Looking for friends to push me to log daily and be accountable.

I'm 31, 5'5" and 161lbs. I have two young kids (21 months and 5 months). I'm busy but committed to exercising. I'm still exclusively breastfeeding my baby so my calorie intake is high. I only run a minor deficit to keep milk supply up.

My husband is having health issues so I am going through one of the most stressful times in my life (so far). Trying to turn that worry and stress into focus and drive toward my goals instead of fast food binges!

My goals are:

Get under 150lbs (healthy weight according to BMI)
Run a 5k in under 30 minutes (currently on C25K week 2)
Do a 3 minute plank (did my 1st 60 second plank since having my baby yesterday)

If you'd like to help me achieve my goals through motivation and support, I'll do the same for you!

Happy Thursday all!
