Hair removal and a Kindergarten diva?

BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
My 5 1/2 year old just started Kindergarten this week.
While in the bathtub the other night she says, "Mom, you need to shave my legs! They're so hairy kids are going to think I'm a boy-girl!"

Now....I'm naturally dark haired and her dad is naturally dark haired. She really does have very noticable leg hair already and I myself started shaving by the time I was 8 or 9. I had asked my mom for a couple years and she always said no, until I came home crying one day b/c kids had picked on me at school.

So I'm torn now. Part of me thinks, "She's ONLY 5! Hair removal isn't something we should be considering"
The other part of me thinks..."is it really going to hurt anything? She's going to become insecure about it and probably try and shave on her own unless I step in and we find a better solution"
I'm torn between the MOM side of me and the side of me that WAS that kid getting picked on....


  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    dont do it..its too soon
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I wasn't allowed to shave my legs until I was about 12.

    It's tough, I'm sure, when you're a parent and you went through the same thing. You're her mother, and I'm sure you will make the best choice for her.
  • jamacattack
    jamacattack Posts: 94 Member
    dont do it..its too soon

    I agree- it will make the hair thicker and darker too.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Kindergarten is too young. I made my daughter wait until her 10th birthday. Tell her she is gorgeous, hair and all and if other kids don't like it, they can suck it.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I am blond and started shaving in 3rd grade. I wanted to much earlier because it was so noticeable. I had the coppertone kid look and the blond hair was very BRIGHT!!! It's a personal choice. I don't think I would encourage shaving at 5 because she will continue for a lifetime. Honestly, I have no idea what I would do but I understand the want to shave at a young age. BTW, I am 41 and still hate hair on my legs...LOL!
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    My little sister (who I'm basically raising) has extremely hairy legs. We let them go until this year. We showed her how to shave. She did it once or twice but decided she didn't care and doesn't do it anymore. Mainly I want her to be able to do it so kids don't pick on her but I'm not going to force her. Either she wants to or she doesn't.

    I don't see any harm in it as long as you teach her proper safety and supervise her while she's doing it (5 yr old + razor blade makes me nervous).
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    Put her in pants then the other kids wont see her legs. Dont let her shave her legs til she goes to middle school
  • I was a very hair child and still a fuzzy adult. I attempted to shave my legs in kindergarten and it ended in a bloody disaster. Sharp objects are for grown folks. If she's really THAT self conscious about it, try one of those buffer pads. They're harmless sandpaper. LOL You're her mother. You decide what's best. But I would not have a razor in anyone younger than 10. :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I had the same issue when I was younger. Very dark hair and both of my parents are hairy, plus I get extra from the hormone issues of PCOS.

    I was bullied so much for my DARK arm hair that I shaved both my arms when I was in 3rd grade. My parents flipped and I hated them. I didn't/don't understand why being bullied about hair seemed like a better idea then them helping me find a solution...

    I agree that the buffer pads are a good idea for her to try, and harmless. It could be fun for her to think she is trying but they really don't work!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I agree it's too young.
    And the wrong focus at that age.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Follow your mom side.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I have a kindergartener. Granted he's a boy, but I can't imagine him or any of his buddies (girl or boy) even looking at the hair on each others legsl. I would agree with too early. You don't want her to end up w/ thick stubbly hair from the shaving by the time she's 6.
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    I remember being 10 and getting picked on for the same thing. I was in 5th grade. I just wished my mom had let me shave then! But she didnt let me start for another few years after that. Do I hold it against her now that Im 26 and didnt start shaving until 13 or 14? Not at all! My mom was really supportive and even tried waxing with me- which at 14 years old, I found SO PAINFUL. I didnt try shaving on my own, because she had told me not to and I was a momma's girl. I would never disobey her. Idk if a 5 year old wouldnt get too curious though to see what it was like. I just remember when I did start shaving, I had to do it often because the hair grew back SO fast. And since Ive been shaving since I was kind of young, I have to shave now daily, or I get stubbly legs the next day.

    Its getting closer to tights and pants season. Can you use that as an excuse to keep her from wanting to shave for another 6 months or so? And then youll have more time to research a solution! :) I dont think having hairy legs at a young age is something to be embarrassed about. And in 10 years, she wont remember anyways. And she wont ever hold it against you for not letting her, if thats what you choose.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I had the same issue. I went through puberty way, way before my classmates did, and starting growing thick, dark hair on my legs and arms. It wasn't that I wanted to shave my legs because I wanted to conform to any sort of body image, I just wanted the kids in class to stop making fun of it.

    An electric razor might be a good investment. Pants are great for cooler months, but I would have hated to have to wear pants in September and May because of my hairy legs.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Hard decision to make. I hate shaving my legs, but it is a task that must be done. Maybe instead of a razor you could buy her an electric shaver. Not as much risk there as long as she doesn't try to use it in the tub. Easy solution and that way if she wants to use it you don't have to worry and she won't have to be picked on. Kids can be very cruel even at a young age.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    You are her mother and this is your decision.

    Personally, I think I would try to encourage pants, tights, things that will hide the issue and shoot for the age of 8.

    If you do decide to let her, be it other children tormenting her or some other reason... I'd encourage an electric razor only for a few years. And make SURE she only uses it on her legs. I'll never forget chaffing my armpits to the point of scabs thinking you could use it in your pits *LOL*
  • When i was 6 i asked my mom the same thing... because my cousin who was 10 did and i thought she was just the coolest. My mom said no, so i did a nice hack job on myself, still have a little scar from it! yes it is young but as a child they dont realize that. My mom told me after that that shaving my legs before i was 10 would make me grow hair all over... lol.. i didn't shave them again until i was older because that scared me out of it :laugh:
  • cmwhited6204
    cmwhited6204 Posts: 210 Member
    I have to laugh sometimes at responses. This situation is also dealing with the self esteem of a little girl. My daughter shaved in elementary school sometime, I cannot remember the exact grade because she felt bad about it. Yes, although I agree that she is young, obviously she is not too young that it makes her uncomfortable. As parents I think we sometimes think we can talk away all of our childrens issues. Yes you can tell her she is pretty all you want but if she does not feel that way because of whatever reason, something as small as what age you shave really doesnt matter; does it?

    Our jobs are to create confident and well adjusted children so base your decison on that and not what others deem to be the correct age for a specific task. Every culture deals with things at different stages of life.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I had the same issue as your daughter, who sounds really bright BTW to ask you in a such a manner. Anyway, I did it in secret - I think it would be better to just show her. Yeah she's 5 but she isn't dumb and the "you're beautiful the way you are" only goes so far when kids are teasing you. I'm not a parent granted - but I remember being a thoughtful, intelligent kid who was teased.
  • I always feel bad for young girls I see with "hair issues" as I call them. Unibrows, facial hair, hairy legs. I usally see it in darker skinned girls ( i don't want to offend anybody) and what I think are Indian girls/tween/teens. I feel sad for them having to deal with that problem, and I assume that their mothers refuse to let them groom. I will let my daughter get her eyebrows waxed as soon as she wants to, and can handle the experience. I would rather her feel comfortable and confident than push my ideals.

    In a perfect world our self esteem wouldn't be based on our looks, but that just isn't the case. Teach her how to properly, and safely shave her legs. It will be fun at first, but it will soon become boring and she will move on to my fun activities.