Weirdest person/situation?



  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    My ex FIL's best friend. He was a concentration camp survivor with the numbers tattooed on his arm. And he hated every race, religion, and ethnic group. Seemed contradictory to me.
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    cracked out transgender lady/man on a bus in hawaii.
    I've never legitimately been freaked out by a person until then, the way they talked and moved and looked....
  • Melonhead
    10 years ago, I'm at a Wendy's ( I know, I know) and the guy in front of me happens to be mute. He's got this pad of paper and he's writing down his order. The girl behind the counter is trying to read his hand writing, but can't so she raises her voice. He writes again, same thing - she raises her voice again. After the 4th time the guy writes on the paper and shows it me, "Jesus, would you tell her I'm not deaf!!!" and just walks out. Funny and sad at the same time.
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    When I worked as a desk clerk at a hotel, a guest called to ask me to come to his room and give him an enema. When I refused, he requested that I ask my friends and family if anyone would do it.

    When I first started my current job, I answered a call from a guy who accused me of lying in telling him that my boss was not in. He then informed me that he would b****-slap me through the phone. :laugh:
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Not the weirdest but funny: I used to work for Directv in a call center in sales/customer service. I once had a girl call to order a porno movie. She proceeded to tell me that the porn was called "F!$@ my black a#@" (They don't have to say the name of the porn movie to order it, each one has a ch. number and start time, in fact I couldn't even see the name in my system, just the channel number) and that she was horny. I could also hear her lover in the background breathing heavily. The entire call she kept saying to hurry up because she was horny and she and her husband were trying to spice up their marriage. TMI! Working there was an experience to say the least. People will say a lot of weird things over the phone that they would probably never say in person.

    When I was 16 or 17 my mom and I were at a gas station at night filling up her car with gas. She went in to pay while I pumped the gas. A car pulls up at the pump on the other side of the one we were using, it's a guy in his 20s. He proceeds to ask me for directions, but the directions he asked me for were really odd, basically he asked me how to get to south Huntsville and we were in north Huntsville. I paused and confused said " south??" He looks down and and starts fumbling with his wallet, of course I without thinking look down too and realize he isn't wearing any pants OR underwear. As soon as he realizes I've noticed he speeds off.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    My mom is in a nursing home. VERY interesting characters there. My favorites are the ones with all the conspiracy theories as to why they are there. I was told by one elderly woman: "Don't put your people here, you have no idea the experiments they do. They give you pills and don't let you outside".

    The pills are their medications and I can check my mom out and take her home for a few hours whenever I want to. We go for a "walk" (she's in a wheelchair) outside every time I visit.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    I once had a sleaze bag pull out his wanker at a bus stop as a way of hitting on me. He seemed to think that would convince me to go to the cheap, dirtbag motel across the street for a little impromptu entertainment. SO NOT!! I left immediately! That one's got to take top billing. But we've had some doozies for neighbors in the revolving door of the house next door. First there was the lady who was obviously mentally challenged and used to go find some random piece of trash in the street and then knock on every door asking if it was theirs and not wanting to take no for an answer but not letting anyone throw it away for her because oh, it might be important to somebody. One night she evidently peeved the across the street neighbor's son off enough that he got drunk and backed his car at full speed across the street and through the fence stopping just inches from our house right at the wall where my then 3-year son were playing toddler computer games. Don't know if he was actually going fast enough to have come through the wall if he hadn't stopped but glad we didn't have to find out the hard way! Then came the screamer -- we let her use the phone once or twice when she first moved in until we realized that every call ended up being a screeching round of profanity and victimized crying and blaming that accomplished nothing and was not something we needed to expose the kids to. But she and her husband/boyfriend (?) would get in these epic profanity-laced screaming matches up and down the street in full view and earshot of the whole neighborhood until the police would come and haul one or both of them away for a time. Their arguments were laced with a bunch of nonsensical logic too -- the classic memorable one that I overheard one day when I realized that they were at it again and ran out to get my son out of the line of fire so to speak, was when she screeched at her SO -"I'm not accusing you of sleeping with her. I'm accusing her of sleeping with you." -- Uh, yeah, OK, lady....I'm just going to take my child and go now. That brand of logic does not even deserve the dignity of a response! Those were the worst two--after that it went to semi-normal complaints like neighbors who play their music too loud at 2am but thankfully--after 11 years in this house, the neighborhood seems to have settled into a semblance of normality without any neighborly drama and nice families.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    field trip with 30 students, sitting in the town square drawing. This homeless man started chatting with us, and while some ignored him and went else where, some of us still spoke with him. He asked to borrow a piece of paper and pencil and proceeded to draw a beautiful picture of one of our classmates, it truly was a wonderful drawing. Many of us shared parts of our lunch with him and listened to the good stories of his life. Afterwards, he got up and wandered over to the cathedral, went inside and died.

    On one hand it was really freaky, but on the other hand, it was (I've never been able to find a word for this).
    Being a part of someone's last day. To make the last day of a mostly miserable life to be a good one. Of warmth and laughter.
    To feel important and acknowledged. To feel worthy of someone's attention. There is just something about being apart of that.

    I have long forgotten the stories he told us over 25 years ago or why he was homeless. Just that they were interesting. He was an animated story teller, but very dirty, though none of us cared. His teeth were horrible, but he had a really good voice and we all still laughed together like he was a normal everyday person. <we were from a town where homelessness was a normal every day thing, but where we were was def. not homeless friendly!>

    I have since learned that with older people, with homeless people, you might be giving them the only kind word they will hear that day. So say them with sincerity and acknowledgement.
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    A male professor that liked to wear a button up shirt and tie along with a skirt and heels! His license plate said SKRTMAN
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    My best friend's boyfriend thought it would be funny to flick up his lighter while I was getting gas one night after a show and I kept telling him to stop and he was laughing until my gas tank and my jeans caught on fire. I started running around, pulling my pants down, trying to get the fire out on me first and when it did, I simply shut the gas tank of my car. Then I just waited for either nothing or for my car to explode. The gas station attendant had called the fire department, but by the time they got there, all the fires were out. I was just so thankful. I wasn't even really mad at him. He didn't say a word the entire ride home, he was mortified, as well he should have been.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    One of the many many weird things that happen in the Big Apple (NYC):
