Getting control

Hello this web site is new to me although I have used others. I have been in a car crash not long ago and have gotten weigh out of control not only in eating but exercise also. I want to start fresh so here I am. I am hoping to find others that would like support while on their weight loss journey


  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    I hope your recovering from your accident is going well. When I originally signed up in April of this year I was ready to go, then I developed my second blood clot. I have been recuperating for the last 10 months; it was just recently that I have been able to walk distances without much pain..

    This site has been great..I started again right before thanksgiving and I have so far lost 10lbs woohoo...stick to the plan, get in what ever exercise you can but take it nice and slow. Don't push yourself before your ready, exercise wise..make sure your doctor approves it..

    Good luck on your journey..