Hello from a newbie

exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Just want to introduce myself a bit. I'm exermom who likes to exercise (hard to guess, huh?). I'm (gulp) 54 years young with three children (well, four if you count my hubby....lol).

I've been logging my eating for quite a while, first at Fitday but I found that their database was very limiting. Then at Livestrong but lately they've been making SOOOO many changes, it gets frustrating. Someone recommended myfitnesspal so I will give it a try.

Now I'm still trying to find my way around. I'll get there. One of the features that Livestrong HAD was the ability to sort by calories. So if I knew that I was going to, say, Red Lobster, I could pull up all of their menu items and then sort by calories to find which had the least number of calories. Or I COULD sort by protein, etc. Like I said, I COULD. That was one of the changes. One of the many changes.

For a while I'll honestly probably log my food at both sites.

Is there a database of foods for chain restaurants and is there the ability to sort by calories, sodium, etc?

If anyone thinks of something else that I should know but am unaware of, please don't hesitate to mention it (like I know not to use all caps unless I want to emphasize something or yell)


  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello & Welcome exermom, glad you found MFP. As far as a database for chain restaurants I don't think so, but do not know for sure certainly there is databases for just about any restaurant you want and one can sort whatever one wants to sort easily. Yeah as far as the caps PLEASE DON'T USE. silently I say.:laugh: :wink:

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