Heavy Weight Vs. Light Weights for Weight Loss

Hey guys!

Ok, so I'm on my fourth day of p90x and I'm bringing it big time. I've lost a little over 5 pounds so far (I know it's mostly water weight but I'll take it lol) and I had a thought.

Now in the effort to maximize all my results within the 90 day period, I have dialed in my nutrition and am working out hard on my workouts. The question I have is, would it be better for my overal fat loss if i do heavier weights with less reps? Or will it be about the same as if I did lighter weights with more reps? I've done weight lifting in the past and I typically did less weight more reps, but now that it's been quite some time since I've worked out I've put on a substantial amount of weight. Now I don't want to get crazy bulky but I find that it will probably be near impossible to do so since I'm running a calorie deficit and it takes a calorie surplus in order to gain muscle.

So, fellow MFP'ers what has been your experience? What would you recommend with regards to light vs heavy weights for optimal weight loss?


  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    You always want to lift the heaviest weight you can with good form - so heavy weight/fewer reps. 8-12 rep range.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Low weight high reps for weight loss is a myth. You lift the same whether trying to lose or gain. You only adjust your calories in vs out.